Arguing w. an Engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud w. pig

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Arguing with an Engineer is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig... After a few hours, you realize that he likes it.      


The Engineer Personality

Sufficient engineers have substantially the same traits that a stereotype personality has evolved depicting them - they are thought of as intelligent, logical, introverted but with poor communication skills and dress sense.

Is that characterisation justified? Well er, yes - pretty well, since it's not hard to find examples of the 'nerdy' engineer. Naturally there are exceptions, the boundary between different personality types is fluid, but a good engineer is likely to have certain basic traits.

  • Engineers are curious and enjoy discovering how things work and solving problems.

  • Engineers use logic to examine ideas and develop theories and explanations.

  • Engineers like science.

  • Engineers are able to concentrate intently on a subject.

  • Engineers are perfectionists who are always looking for better ways of doing things.

  • Engineers want order and structure at work and in their personal life.

  • Engineers enjoy discussion, debate (and arguing), about their topic.

  • Engineers appreciate and respect intelligence in others.

  • They often have a good sense of humour.

  • Engineers commonly want to help solve the world's problems.

But along with these laudable engineer qualities, comes an assortment of characteristics which are less easy to like.

  • Engineers can be dogmatic.

  • Engineers may be unimaginative outside their own field, (so-called tunnel-vision).

  • Engineers are uncomfortable with vagueness and ambiguity.

  • Engineers dislike change.

  • The engineer's attachment to structure may lead to an authoritarian approach. 

  • Engineers may focus on theories and be reluctant to consider conflicting data.

  • Engineers can be impersonal and reserved and may take little interest in other people.

  • Engineers may have poor social skills and be insensitive to the feelings of others. Diplomacy does not come to them naturally.

  • Engineers may have little commercial awareness and dislike making decisions in business.

How many Engineering Directors does it take to 
change a light bulb?

A: Just one. He holds the light bulb still and expects the world to revolve around him.

Arguing with an Engineer

 . . . is a lot like wrestling in the mud with a pig.      After a few hours, you realize that he likes it.      

                    More engineer jokes



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