Earlier this month, Teen Vogue published "A Guide to Anal Sex" on its website. The article, which informs readers "how to do it the right way," spawned a conservative backlash that is still continuing weeks later. The controversy, however, has also given rise to a frank conversation about the state of sex education in the U.S.

Calls to cancel subscriptions to the publication reverberated across social media under the hashtag #PullTeenVogue. Many of the responses were vehement.

One activist, dubbed “The Activist Mommy,” filmed herself burning a copy of the magazine in a campfire while condemning the Teen Vogue editors for having their brains “in the gutter.” It should be noted, however, that the controversial guide did not appear in the publication's print edition.

Phillip Picardi, the digital editorial director at the publication, wrote a tweetstorm on the subject in which he defended Teen Vogue’s decision to publish the guide, which included illustrations and diagrams of a penis and a vagina.

In his thread, Picardi highlighted why he feels it’s important for young people to receive sex education.

Through a Teen Vogue publicist, Picardi declined to provide NBC News with a comment on the anal sex guide and the controversy that followed its publication.

The guide was not geared exclusively toward LGBTQ readers but did incorporate gender-neutral language, such as “vagina owners” to be inclusive of transgender men. Teen Vogue has employed such inclusive language in past articles.

Regardless of where one might fall on the debate, the ensuing dialogue has given sex educators and LGBTQ advocates a chance to highlight the dearth of sex education in the U.S.

“Many if not most young people — both hetero and LGBTQ — feel the sex ed they’ve received in school was not sufficient, and that’s especially true for LGBTQ young people,” Dr. Michael Newcomb of Northwestern University’s Institute for Sexual and Gender Minority Health and Wellbeing, told NBC News. “A vast majority of states, jurisdictions and districts do not provide LGBTQ-inclusive sex education.”

Image: Teen Vogue Article
Teen Vogue article running on their website publication. teenvogue.com