sending the women out to do the jobs that men should be doing

来源: career 2017-07-25 10:59:22 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (3432 bytes)

"Eating out when I grew up was a treat, now doing a really nice home cooked meal is a treat that requires time and planning. 

With women working, time is tight. The game changed and not for the better. 

When women stayed home, the kids were well behaved as the wooden spoon would arrive on the scene. When you are stuck with the little bastards all day long, you don't put up with any shxt. When you are commuting to the city, dealing with pricks all day long, taking care of daycare, nanny not coming home at night, food in house, arranging a series of summer camp programs in March, etc., there is not a lot of time to beat their little butts into proper behavior, you just frigging roll over and fold the laundry at 10PM and self-medicate with Cheezits (AKA Cheezacs the over-the-counter form of Prozac--works exactly the same--those carbs, when they hit your bloodstream causes the brain to start shooting out serotonin to smooth those ragged nerves. 

When women crashed the glass ceiling, they really screwed up. I look at my mother's life of bridge and martinis on Wednesday afternoon, gardening and every lightplate switch in the house was spotless, homecooked healthy meals every nightthat you sat there until your plate was clean and kids that gave her no lip (or only once and a five finger sandwich was applied that I can remember from nearly a half century ago. 

Life was nice, no one belong to a gym, they did their own yardwork, washed their cars and went to church on Sunday. Very simple, very good and we have given that up for whipping out that credit card and sending the women out to do the jobs that men should be doing to support their families and create strong capable children with the women at home keeping chaos from occurring. 

Absolutely brilliant --- "



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