fact: In the United States, 66 percent of high school graduates

来源: derKerl 2017-02-16 19:46:45 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1665 bytes)
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In the United States, 66 percent of high school graduates enroll in college. In Germany, only a third of students do.

德国家长还是压力大如果想让孩子有大学教育, 孩子在4年纪结束的时候就被宣判一生命运:

At an elementary school in Essen, a city in northern Germany, students stream in from recess. They stuff boots into cubbies and hang up their jackets.

The fourth-grade classroom looks a lot like the classrooms in American public schools.  The class has one teacher, who covers all the subjects in the same classroom. Some students excel, some struggle, some are in the middle. 

But next year, that will end.

Every student will be placed on one of three different education tracks: Gymnasium, Realschulen or Hauptschulen. Gymnasium includes eight years of university-prep school. Realschulen is six years, and typically leads to an apprenticeship instead of college. Hauptschulen is the lowest track, meant to serve slower learners.




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