
来源: chufang 2017-12-20 16:09:49 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (28264 bytes)

Youth review – Chinese dancers endure fall-outs, heartache and burst blisters


Feng Xiaogang’s sprawling drama lays on the Spielbergian syrup and covers swaths of China’s history in broad brushstrokes – but it carries a potent message


 Upheaval and idealism … Youth

There is perhaps a spoonful of sugar too many in this bittersweet Chinese drama from blockbusting director Feng Xiaogang. It’s an an ambitious, sprawling, novelistic beast of a movie that opens amid the tantrums and broken hearts of young dancers in a cultural division of the army in the mid 70s. Xiaoping (Miao Miao) is the troupe’s new girl, determined to make fresh start after a difficult childhood. But her colleagues, sensing she is vulnerable, mercilessly mock Xiaoping for crimes against sophistication (she pads her bra out with sponges). Xiaoping’s sole defender is saintly Liu Feng (Huang Xuan), a young man possessed with such superhuman goodness that he chivalrously lances the puss from one dancer’s blisters. Years pass, and the movie takes in political upheaval, idealism lost and China’s bloody war with Vietnam – none of it in quite enough detail to feel satisfying. Feng has been called the Chinese Spielberg, and while not exactly sentimental, there is something contrived and soft-focus about Youth. That said, it does have difficult and honest things to say about bullying: that perpetrators often swan off into the sunset, comeuppance ungotten, while victims can find themselves targeted all over again by a new set of tormentors.



老外看得懂啊,而且看得很懂啊。呵呵,不存在什么没有经历过的人看不懂 -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:16:15

对啊,那中国人不是没法看懂任何外国电影了:) -世事沧桑- 给 世事沧桑 发送悄悄话 世事沧桑 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:16:18

老外 -忘忧萱草- 给 忘忧萱草 发送悄悄话 (66 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:30:42

syrup可不是啥好词啊,不是健康营养食品:) -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:33:07

这种片子好坏不需要外国人来评判 -cutedolphin- 给 cutedolphin 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:36:18

好,主持你去“卫报”反应反应:) -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:38:52

但人家也有评论的自由吧 -白色非色- 给 白色非色 发送悄悄话 白色非色 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:44:14

民族主义爆发了:) 中国人评外国电影人家也不许评啊:) -世事沧桑- 给 世事沧桑 发送悄悄话 世事沧桑 的博客首页 (49 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:20:21

好奇他们看出的potent message是什么,要是光是bully就没啥意思了...... -忘忧萱草- 给 忘忧萱草 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:45:19

我看到“contrived and soft-focus”,觉得说得挺到位的:) -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:50:30

这是从艺术角度,安想知道的是思想性的potent message,这是看没看懂的真正标尺:) -忘忧萱草- 给 忘忧萱草 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 16:55:28

啊,我先来听听看懂的你来说说:)) -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (199 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:00:38

安没有看懂啊,安就看了本流水帐,当然bully还是看到了 -忘忧萱草- 给 忘忧萱草 发送悄悄话 (43 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:10:55

可以这么理解吗? -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (370 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:18:37

你够 -忘忧萱草- 给 忘忧萱草 发送悄悄话 (19 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 17:26:27

“Contrived and soft-focus"对应 Ebert 评论的“toothless",“syrup”对应 -coinbycoin- 给 coinbycoin 发送悄悄话 coinbycoin 的博客首页 (162 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 18:11:06

看懂和赞同本来就是两回事啊。 -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (310 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 18:27:53

专门影评人都眼尖鼻灵,用词精准,他们的感动阀比较高,因为看多了 -lilywxc- 给 lilywxc 发送悄悄话 lilywxc 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 18:45:59

确实。连一份local 文艺小报的影评 都常常会短小精练 中肯到位 -coinbycoin- 给 coinbycoin 发送悄悄话 coinbycoin 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 18:56:42

+1 -tina2007- 给 tina2007 发送悄悄话 tina2007 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 19:17:40

+1 -tina2007- 给 tina2007 发送悄悄话 tina2007 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 19:19:13

人性是世界共通的。我个人认为冯导对于两个小人物缺乏真正的理解和深刻的同情,所以contrived is the right wo -我的心情我做主- 给 我的心情我做主 发送悄悄话 我的心情我做主 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 21:37:17

我覺得在文革之千禧年長大的人都是腦殘的,絕對不會出偉人的。 -ILHP- 给 ILHP 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/20/2017 postreply 22:14:56



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