
来源: greenoasis 2016-04-03 15:11:28 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (10605 bytes)

关键是他只被UArc (Arkansas?)录取。所有其他藤校全军覆没。耶鲁的WL 是唯一希望。他在问为什么?我也想知道为什么?


   edited March 31
Decision: Waitlisted 

SAT I (breakdown): 2400 (taken October sophomore year)
ACT (breakdown): 35 (only took once June freshman year)
SAT II: 800 Math II / 800 Chemistry / 800 Physics / 800 French / 790 Spanish
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 1/500ish
AP (place score in parenthesis): BC Calc (5), Chemistry (5), Physics C (5), English CompLit (5), APUSH (5), Chinese (5), French (5), Macro (5), Micro (5). Self-studied for half of these.
IB (place score in parenthesis): [N/A]
Senior Year Course Load: WHAP, AP Bio, AP Comp Sci, AP Music, Advanced French (higher than AP), gym, philosophy (AP not offered, just a chill class). Dual enrolled at UARK for real analysis and Honors Physical Chemistry. Independent study with the professor I did research with over the summer.
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): made the USAMO 10th, 11th, 12th grade, (scored a 1 and 3, third time the charm?). Won state science fair but gave up my place at Intel fair due to a schedule conflict. National AP Scholar. National Physics Olympiad. NMSF. Some state and city piano things, idk if "major".


Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Student Government (President). National Honor Society (President). Varsity Tennis (Vice Captain). Varsity Track (Vice Captain). Mathletes (Captain solely by virtue of making USAMO). Physics Olympiad (founded at my school, Captain of 4 people  Played piano since I was 4, only some minor awards.
Job/Work Experience: [N/A]
Volunteer/Community service: Common Core tutoring for high school students and Boys and Girls club since sophomore year. Founded a districtwide college prep program to bring undergrads at UArk schools to talk to and provide one-on-one college counseling/test prep to students in underperforming public high schools. At one point had 20 college students and 100+ high school students. Habitat for Humanity (2 years). Charity drives through my high school to raise money for MSF in Syria.
Summer Activities: Did unpaid research in physical chemistry at UARK for 2 summers, have a paper "in the works".
Essays (rating 1-10, details): Thought it was a 10? I wrote about how working at different Arkansas public schools helped me to come to terms with my privilege middle-class Asian male with parents who value education. The interwoven exempli gratia was learning Spanish on my own outside school to communicate with a lot of students whom I tutored who were immigrants, which I am independently very proud of, in counterpoint to my having chosen French as a stupid freshman because I thought it was a more "elegant" language. My English teacher told me it was the best she'd ever read.

Teacher Rec #1: 10 - aforesaid English teacher, who taught me in AP English as the only sophomore in a class of seniors. She LOVES me 
Teacher Rec #2: 9-10 - Physics teacher, went to Columbia. He is more reserved but I got a really good vibe from him, like if no one in the class can solve a problem he mocks resignation and asks me to go up to solve it. He asked me if I wanted to help him start a Physics Olympiad team.
Counselor Rec: 10 - worked with him to start my program. Apparently the number of APs I took and how early I took them was "unprecedented" - he showed the rec to me and it was sincere but almost embarrassingly praiseful, to the point where I almost asked him to tone it down.
Additional Rec: Research supervisor at UARK. Honestly I don't know how good - he seems to like me and was really surprised as a high schooler I knew what physical chemistry was and wanted to go into it, but compared to him I'm an idiot. He hasn't had high schoolers in his lab before which could be a plus (I was very persistent) or a minus (no idea how to write a college rec).

Interview: 4 - Interviewed with an old guy. He kept asking me about China but in a very demanding way which made me slightly uncomfortable. I at no point told him I was Chinese.


Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Chemistry and Physics
State (if domestic applicant): Arkansas
Country (if international applicant): US Citizen
School Type: Large public
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $200,000-250,000
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Research in physical chemistry in high school, enrolled this year in a PChem class, started a volunteer program, started a club. However even though my Spanish isn't perfect what I am most proud of is learning Spanish independently


Strengths: Loaded up on APs sophomore and junior year to show colleges evidence of being able to handle college level work. I test well.
Weaknesses: Asian. Possible weak add'l rec? Bad interview? Essay topic was patronizing? I don't know, I really really don't know. 
Why you think you were accepted/deferred/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/deferred/rejected:




General Comments: I am speechless, numb, beside myself. Presumptuous as it sounds, I can't shake the feeling that there has been some mistake. My first rejections were Caltech and MIT but I rationalized to myself that I wanted to do academia, not engineering and I think it showed. The first few were disappointing but I had braced myself; good people get rejected, the officers said, but they always end up getting accepted somewhere just as good, they said. As the rejects piled up however I am questioning my self-worth, everything I have worked for I did it not for college but because I wanted to. I was arrogant - or perhaps gullible - and believed the college officers when they said my "genuine passion" would shine through. I had the mistaken confidence that I fit the college moulds without having to compromise and force myself to do for the resume what I didn't want to do.

Now I am consumed with regret. Is it really this hard? Gosh I knew it was a little harder for Asians but can it be this much harder? I keep futilely replaying scenarios in my head, even the really stupid ones, tormented by the 'what if' - what if I hadn't dropped MUN because I hated it? What if I had pushed a little harder to be Track Captain? What if I had pushed my supervisor to put me on a paper I only did a little for? What if I asked him to show me his rec? Was there one thing I could change about my app to turn everything the other way around?

Yale is my last hope. I almost didn't apply to UArk and /can't/ go there - no disrespect to the school, but it doesn't have the programs or the opportunities for me to pursue my dreams. The people I know there acknowledge as much. Creating this post was like a shot in the dark for me - I've read CC but never posted or even commented. I'm looking for answers, for closure. What did I do wrong? Please?


被小中女害苦了。嘿嘿 -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:18:15

别说,这位要是个小中女,你觉得会全军覆没吗? -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:34:07

没法说地,不过的确没见过小中女这样说过 -用户名被占用了- 给 用户名被占用了 发送悄悄话 用户名被占用了 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:37:53

首先我是对stats有点疑问的。不知道申请什么专业,但conrnell肯定是能进的 -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (359 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:50:44

假的。 -sji- 给 sji 发送悄悄话 (402 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:19:05

他想学化学或物理,将来做研究。这些学校也没错了。当然他肯定是藤校迷。的确应该申请些伯克利档次的学校 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:23:03

最后那段感想,无聊作假的人写不出的 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:26:48

是不是申请FA的问题呀 -my2cnets- 给 my2cnets 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:19:18

The benefits of applying for FA -yude- 给 yude 发送悄悄话 yude 的博客首页 (332 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 17:16:12

很强为啥不ea/ed?FA不是原因. Essay? -welovegod- 给 welovegod 发送悄悄话 welovegod 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:20:40

看了他最后写的这段,我都快哭了。这要是自家娃,得多心疼啊 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (3179 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:21:13

不知是否都是面试后的结果,能多少看出性格的那种。只学习好,因此觉得entitled这种atitute是否能行? -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:29:57

这个学生不应该只申请这些学校。申请学校一定要分三类。 -lisi- 给 lisi 发送悄悄话 (65 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:22:15

他的确学习优秀,可能没思想准备要报二流学校 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:43:55

天,美国很多学校属于一流,不是只有这8所啊。这里讨论的最后CAL都成了二流了。 -黄玫瑰888- 给 黄玫瑰888 发送悄悄话 黄玫瑰888 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:52:48

哈哈,有点这感觉。但俺觉得他要报了cal能被录取吧。这个真没准是假的 -Narnar- 给 Narnar 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:55:19

从申请的学校来看,这位的确不够成熟,有喜好走极端的倾向,不成功便成仁的一根筋思维。 -mmmwww- 给 mmmwww 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:22:27

全年级第一。所有考试课程都是满分。基本他想做的事都做到了。直到大学申请。的确挫折一下不是坏事。但是这挫折大了点 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:25:53

如果被所有的藤校拒收,说明这个学生的申请肯定有明显的缺陷 -乡下来的人- 给 乡下来的人 发送悄悄话 乡下来的人 的博客首页 (63 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:29:03

列出了accepted. 就一所阿肯色。Rejected一大堆藤校和MIT CIT。应该是没报其他。觉得这么强总能蒙上一所 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:31:24

太高估自己了,根本没报中间的学校。以为稳进的。以前某著名高中发生过,在报上登过的。他这个还好有个保底的。都没进去说明自己有问题 -bigsharkbig- 给 bigsharkbig 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:35:53

16妈,看到这篇你应该高兴才对。别忧郁了:) -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:36:05

看完反而轻松了 -SYU2009- 给 SYU2009 发送悄悄话 (80 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:46:58

感觉样样好,但不知道他的passion在哪? -瞎说14- 给 瞎说14 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 15:49:24

化学物理方面的研究啊。他已经跟U of Arkansas 实验室研究起码2年了?文章还没发表但正在完成。已经上了大学里的物化课。 -greenoasis- 给 greenoasis 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:03:51

他是外州,报UCB肯定取。而且UCB物理化学都是顶尖的。可惜了。 -胡宙- 给 胡宙 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:04:24

鬼扯的,Arkansa 好像没人进USAMO, 他发帖子时, 十二年级USAMO 还没有出来! -sam2018- 给 sam2018 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:09:00

是,没搞清楚USAMO是啥。 -sam2018- 给 sam2018 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:13:45

扯淡的。CC上还不由着自己瞎吹。 -嘚瑟一下- 给 嘚瑟一下 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:22:07

Counselor wisdom and teacher recommendation, and interview -yude- 给 yude 发送悄悄话 yude 的博客首页 (1010 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 16:59:12

一看就是假的 -shenyi- 给 shenyi 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/03/2016 postreply 21:50:20

是真的,但是所有的学校都发现这人是mass killer -nolaking- 给 nolaking 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/05/2016 postreply 00:54:46



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