"You have 'social media.'"

Calvin J. Bear 1/28/12

It isn't difficult to construct a total revolution from the position that we are currently in.


The way to do it is straightforward. Like Hitler did, one must speak to the underclasses and those drones who fear that they are not getting, or might not in the near future get, a fair share of the honey.


And to this extent I saw a big neon light flash in the middle of Obama's recent speech: he started out with 'a few people get far too much on the backs of the rest of society,' but then he moved directly to 'a society in which everyone does their fair share...'


That was a grossly suspect, a prejudiced and judgemental, and ultimately a work of sheer malacious 'Queen bee' propaganda. What he SHOULD have said was, as the immediate sentence AFTER the first statement: 'and this must stop.'


The overall political situation is now dangerous, in my view. Both sides (and including Ron Paul) are speaking with fingers crossed behind their backs.


Quite frankly - and I'm no modern Republican - Gingrich comes across as genuinely sincere; as the one who is the most sincere. To me at least that's what I pick up. The rest are all too clever by half and that includes RP.


Obama looks like he will win easily unless he meets a swan... Crazy Bill Wood says he's going to meet a swan.


No... It's all too too easy to start a huge revolution. You get a few tough louts who are more or less on the wrong side of the LAW, and tell them that it is their patriotic duty to grab the guy who walked up and down the line of protesting students, and... ...do things to him. And to ALL protectors of the Queen bees.


...And all the State people who run up 15 billion in late and unpaid accounts and try to hide behind the bigger crooks like what's the Chicago fella's name again who tried to sell off his governorship? And especially, the judiciary and the accountants. These are ultimately the first-rank servants of the Queen bees who are the most deliberately responsible for maintaining the bankrupt system because they live off it as parasites.


Pretty soon, the whole thing will have descended into the biggest mess you ever did see and then it is a matter of offering to lead...


That's the standard profile of a revolution.


Of course, today, you don't even have to go down to the beer house to start the Putsch.


You have 'social media.'
