Any parents who want to put children at day-care or early entrance in school, may want to pause and read this book.
Better Late Than Early A New Approach to your Child's Education By Moore, Raymond S.
Part I research and theory
Part II (more practical approach)
Chap11 Birth to 18 months
Chap12 1 year to age 3
Chap13 Age 2 1/2 to age 5
Chap14 Age 4 to Age 7
Chpa15 Age 6 to Age 8 or 9
Excerpt from book
normal child's brain is not ready for sustained learning programs - until he is 8 or 10 years of age. Some specialists doubts even then he should be forced into school.
pWe have conclusion
(1) The home is the primary institution for young children
(2) We doubt the need for preschool for larger segment for population .......
Better later than early
• 推崇超前教育的, 只追求效果, 不懂长期副作用. 国人为了竞争优势, 争先恐后. -weston- ♀ (12 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 22:36:49
• 在美国随学区规定上学不算超前吧? -N.- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/17/2014 postreply 22:54:48
• 关键不在when,而在How。如果什么都不学,那孩子连话也不应该会说。 -ca981- ♂ (296 bytes) () 12/18/2014 postreply 03:46:45
• Yes. Playing is learning at that age. Preschool is a place to -CirrusCloud- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/18/2014 postreply 05:49:25
• 这又是另一个极端了,孩子在幼儿园学习音乐,手工,如何和成年人(老师父母)同龄人(小朋友)相处, -Crystaldowns- ♀ (583 bytes) () 12/18/2014 postreply 05:35:32
• Reading the book first before any comments. All of you have comm -kclskcls- ♀ (0 bytes) () 12/18/2014 postreply 08:50:26