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回答: LOL-百科-2014-11-28 21:51:04

499 of 546 people found the following review helpful
Walking dead
By John Vickers on January 13, 2014
I ordered this with great expectations. I would be able to work and surf without the pesky interruption of having to use the restroom. I got this via UPS and opened it up placed it on my toilet and grabbed my ipad and began to explore what I termed as surf brewing. I spent 8 hours on this little jewel on the very first day and was delighted, while in the middle of a conference call I simply placed my phone on mute so no one would hear my explosion and remained on my webex while I absolutely blew the toilet up with no worries of anyone knowing the difference. After my call was over I wiped and logged out but when I tried to get up I realized my legs were completely numb and I fell flat on my face on the bathroom floor. What I soon realized was this seat was actually for a child and could not accomidate a grown mans package. My jewels had relaxed inside of the toilet seat and had somewhat swollen dues to me being on the throne for eight hours and were acting as a anchor and when I fell I took the ipad and potty seat to with floor with me, The ipad was shattered and the screen was in a thousand pieces and I had many cuts all over my hands and forehead and when I tried to get up the blood made me slip and bump my head on our tub rendering me unconscious for several hours. In the meantime my wife had arrived home and had tried to call me several times to see where I was to no avail, she assumed I was out on an errand and made herself a snack and sat down to catch up on the walking dead series. I awoke with a splitting headache an soon realized that the potty seat was rather snuggly around the boys as my fall had caused them to swell even more and I had bitten through my tongue during the fall as well. I tried to stand but the potty seat was making that totally impossible and the attempts to remove it brought blood curdling moans from deep within my manhood. I tried in vain to speak and realized my tongue was so swollen from having bitten it in my fall all I could get out were inaudible moans so I began to crawl through my office restroom out into our den attempting to moan my wife's name. Imagine my wife's horror when in the middle of a zombie attack on the show she was watching she looked over to see her husband covered in blood with a kiddie potty attached to his groin crawling across the floor to her moaning and grasping in her direction. She immediately ran out the door and over to our neighbors house where their teenage son was home. Rusty immediately grabbed his pellet rifle and rushed back over to our home and when he saw me trying to crawl back to the bathroom promptly shot me in the nuts from about 10 feet away. I screamed in agony as most of the feeling had begun to return to my roomates and legs and jumped to my feet shattering the torture device attached to my groin and lunged to exact my revenge on Rusty and his pellet rifle. Rusty promptly ran like hell and he and my wife called 911. I in the meantime picked myself up off the floor as I had fallen again during my lunge at Rusty due to my pants and underwear were still around my ankles. I got my pants up and went to the sink to get some water to wash myself off and while I was doing that 7 or 8 police cars showed up and I was told to come outside with my hands up. See when I fell the first time I had bruised my forehead so badly on the toilet my entire face had swollen so my wife had not ever recognized the zombie with a potty around his groin and had told the 911 dispatcher there was a stranger trying to have relations with one of the dog toys in her living room. unfortunately I could not speak as I had bitten my tongue during the fall so I could not alert the officers to my identity. I was taken to the station and after a few hours I was able to explain myself and get some medical attention and be released with icepacks on my head and my little friends. Other that that great product.
