

其实我们也是才来这个学校三个月,对班里学生的情况不是很熟悉。儿子是新同学,人很friendly 很大方,跟其他孩子玩的都很好,就是这个孩子会pick on him. 据说这个孩子也对其他孩子这样,非常aggressive,不听话也不懂事,他们班上专门有个teaching assistant 管着他。



Dear Ms. D,

I am very upset to write this email to complain an accident happened on Simon today. He was pushed and hurt by a boy at his class, and his ear was injured badly as you can see from the picture I took as soon as I saw it. I am really sad. I believe no mom want their kids be hurt like this.

Unfortunately, this accident happened not only once. Simon complained that the same boy hit and kicked and pushed him many times before, during center play times and dress time. This makes me worry a lot.

I understand that adapting to a different culture could be hard and frustrating to that aggressive boy, but I cannot accept that the emotions go to other innocent child in a negative way. I really don’t want to see this accident happen again to Simon, nor to any other kids in the class. So, I write this email hoping to draw more of your attention to this issue and find out a way to fix this.

Thank you for your attention.


我还想给孩子的老师提一下,以后keep more eyes on the boy especially when he is around my son. 怎么把这个意思加在这个信里,请大家给点意见。
