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回答: 咋个参加法?网络报名初选?文心适怡2013-12-10 08:23:19

How Do I Get My Child On A Team?

FIRST LEGO League does not pair children up with existing teams. For privacy reasons, we are not able to share lists of team contact information.

Please refer to our Timeline to see where we are in the FLL season.

If it’s after our Registration closes (September), here’s what you can do:

  1. We encourage parents to take their child to a FLL event in your area. It’s a great way to see the culminating event and meet other parents, coaches, the FLL Operational Partner, and teams. Click here to find an event.
  2. If you can’t find an event listed near you, we recommend reaching out to your local Operational Partner. We call the head volunteers in each region the FLL Operational Partners. FLL Partners fundraise, run events, hold workshops and demonstrations and market FLL locally. They work with the local teams and may be able provide you with further tips on starting a team in your area.  They can also tell you where and when tournaments generally occur in your region.  You can find the Operational Partner for your area here.  

If you’d like to find an existing team to join next season*, here’s what you can do:

  1. Talk to your child’s school, church group, Boy or Girl Scouts troop, or after-school care organization to see if they have existing FLL teams. If they don’t, it could be a great opportunity to start one!
  2. We have a system called FIRST TeamUp which allows parents, coaches, and mentors to connect.  You can create a profile and search for teams or parents matching your criteria.
  3. We also have our FLL Forums. Our forums are a place for the adult members of the FLL Community to talk to each other –coaches, volunteers, Operational Partners, parents, whomever! This is NOT where official information is dispensed about the FLL program, but it’s a great way to find other teams or get some advice. Create an account!

*Please note: US/Canadian registration for the next season begins in May and ends in September.

If you haven’t had any luck finding existing teams for your child to join, we encourage parents and teachers to consider starting a new team in your area.  Don’t worry; we do not expect you to do this alone!  We provide lots of information on our website to help you with this process, and we always encourage new coaches to seek out help from other local parents, teachers, and/or school districts. Your local FLL Operational Partner can also help you with the process.

Our website can provide you with all sorts of helpful information, and these links are a good place to start.

  1. Visit our “Start a Team” page.
  2. We provide some great, print-friendly downloadable marketing materials. You will find flyers, fact sheets, and videos that help to make the FLL experience more understandable. These are useful for recruiting both students and sponsors.
  3. US/Canadian Teams: Please visit our registration website to learn how to register, products and pricing, and payment options: https://gofll.usfirst.org. Please click the "Important Registration Information" tab to read more.
  4. You may want to join our Twitter followers.  We send out daily updates, behind-the-scenes peeks, and invitations for teams to let us know what they're up to.  You can find our Twitter feed here: http://twitter.com/firstlegoleague.
- See more at: http://www.firstlegoleague.org/parents/childonteam#sthash.krGWqnqc.dpuf

How Do I Get My Child On A Team?

FIRST LEGO League does not pair children up with existing teams. For privacy reasons, we are not able to share lists of team contact information.

Please refer to our Timeline to see where we are in the FLL season.

If it’s after our Registration closes (September), here’s what you can do:

  1. We encourage parents to take their child to a FLL event in your area. It’s a great way to see the culminating event and meet other parents, coaches, the FLL Operational Partner, and teams. Click here to find an event.
  2. If you can’t find an event listed near you, we recommend reaching out to your local Operational Partner. We call the head volunteers in each region the FLL Operational Partners. FLL Partners fundraise, run events, hold workshops and demonstrations and market FLL locally. They work with the local teams and may be able provide you with further tips on starting a team in your area.  They can also tell you where and when tournaments generally occur in your region.  You can find the Operational Partner for your area here.  

If you’d like to find an existing team to join next season*, here’s what you can do:

  1. Talk to your child’s school, church group, Boy or Girl Scouts troop, or after-school care organization to see if they have existing FLL teams. If they don’t, it could be a great opportunity to start one!
  2. We have a system called FIRST TeamUp which allows parents, coaches, and mentors to connect.  You can create a profile and search for teams or parents matching your criteria.
  3. We also have our FLL Forums. Our forums are a place for the adult members of the FLL Community to talk to each other –coaches, volunteers, Operational Partners, parents, whomever! This is NOT where official information is dispensed about the FLL program, but it’s a great way to find other teams or get some advice. Create an account!

*Please note: US/Canadian registration for the next season begins in May and ends in September.

If you haven’t had any luck finding existing teams for your child to join, we encourage parents and teachers to consider starting a new team in your area.  Don’t worry; we do not expect you to do this alone!  We provide lots of information on our website to help you with this process, and we always encourage new coaches to seek out help from other local parents, teachers, and/or school districts. Your local FLL Operational Partner can also help you with the process.

Our website can provide you with all sorts of helpful information, and these links are a good place to start.

  1. Visit our “Start a Team” page.
  2. We provide some great, print-friendly downloadable marketing materials. You will find flyers, fact sheets, and videos that help to make the FLL experience more understandable. These are useful for recruiting both students and sponsors.
  3. US/Canadian Teams: Please visit our registration website to learn how to register, products and pricing, and payment options: https://gofll.usfirst.org. Please click the "Important Registration Information" tab to read more.
  4. You may want to join our Twitter followers.  We send out daily updates, behind-the-scenes peeks, and invitations for teams to let us know what they're up to.  You can find our Twitter feed here: http://twitter.com/firstlegoleague.
- See more at: http://www.firstlegoleague.org/parents/childonteam#sthash.krGWqnqc.dpuf


谢谢! -文心适怡- 给 文心适怡 发送悄悄话 文心适怡 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 08:31:07

How Do I Get My Child On A Team? -Lily3- 给 Lily3 发送悄悄话 Lily3 的博客首页 (115 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 08:31:10

太好了,再谢! -文心适怡- 给 文心适怡 发送悄悄话 文心适怡 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/10/2013 postreply 08:38:47
