Harvard is rich enough to make its promise.

来源: Morning3evening4 2013-04-26 13:49:33 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2985 bytes)
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However, some other schools might have trouble to keep their promise. I believe the admission process is need-blinded, but whether the school can come out with the needed money, it is much tricky, especially schools without a big endowment.

This is what I found from internet:


How does this admissions policy work?

When determining financial aid packages for students, schools try to meet full need. This doesn't necessarily mean they're providing full scholarships to everyone admitted. Many times "meeting need" means a combination of scholarships, grants, and loans, with the latter being the most controversial.

Schools with large endowments are usually able to meet the need between what a family is expected to contribute and a financial aid package. But the promise of "need-blind" consideration can be sticky, with some schools not able to meet every student's full financial need. This is called gapping.

To make things more complicated, there are varying types of need-blind policies. Schools can either be need-blind and meet full need of all applicants, need-blind but only meet some need, or need-blind and meet full need for only U.S. applicants, which means the ability to pay will be considered for international students.

Most public colleges and universities are need-blind and can meet varying amounts of financial aid. However, there are few private colleges that are truly need-blind, leaving many students to wonder where they will fall in the admissions pile if they need a significant financial aid package.


上面提到的学校都号称100% Meet Need。 -混日子了- 给 混日子了 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 13:55:13

I do believe some rich colleges can keep their promise. -Morning3evening4- 给 Morning3evening4 发送悄悄话 Morning3evening4 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 14:05:32

So it should be "nee-blinded" and "meet-full need".:). -Morning3evening4- 给 Morning3evening4 发送悄悄话 Morning3evening4 的博客首页 (215 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 14:04:51

大多马桶要刷一个暑假才够 -x88- 给 x88 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 14:05:57

还要家长帮着刷。 -混日子了- 给 混日子了 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 14:10:37

对,有得刷就是好事,里刷刷,外刷刷,里里外外都刷刷, haha -x88- 给 x88 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 14:12:13

How the school defines need is not clear -Laixue- 给 Laixue 发送悄悄话 (320 bytes) () 04/26/2013 postreply 15:02:13



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