"一个愤怒母亲的心声" (英译)

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****** A Monther's Angry Voices (Translated by Google Translate) *********

Busy nonstop year soon coming to an end, it is looking forward to the rest of the upcoming holidays, to accompany the children to spend a relaxing and enjoyable holiday, relax, good to greet the arrival of the next year. At this time, came the bloody massacre of Sandy Hook, Connecticut Primary School. Suddenly, heart mercilessly stabbed a knife, to hit life weakest, the most vulnerable, but also the most vulnerable place. Diligent efforts like little bees, like I usually arrange their own families and work efforts to be well-organized, suddenly between lost motivation and interest to accomplish various tasks. Profoundly aware that we have no way to protect our own children will not be similar to the killing. Heart all day anxiety afflicts Kenshi hope in sight. Three days down, fear not all day long, absent-minded, restless, felt he had become a zombie.

Night, the kids are asleep, I came to the front of the computer. Heart pain, heart block, indescribable. Came the literary city children's education Tan, one by one read the posts of the sisters, and my heart has been a lot of comfort, seemed lonely and weary march in the night to find the organization. Life Unbearable Weight, and sisters with the same mother's heart to share, at least no longer alone. Anyone think that such a thing will not come in their own kids, it is just self-deception. After the Virginia Tech massacre in 2007, I knew that something like this will happen again. Weekdays, we carefully concerned about the health and safety of the children. But a mother's intuition has been reminding me seems dark and dangerous hidden in a corner near. Sandy Hook is just a testament to the hearts of many mothers play the never-ending nightmare. Today, this nightmare is the reality in front of us. Sandy Hook touched the most sensitive nerve, because the combination of our children all the essence of the American dream. With the gunshots of Sandy Hook, my American dream suddenly fragmented ashes. This is the version of the terrorism in the United States. I felt like I was already dead in spirit back.

Southern living in the United States, I am well aware that the gun ban is a fairy tale that is absolutely impossible to achieve. But I still do not understand why not prohibited offensive weapons and accessories that can cause mass destruction in a short time. The effectiveness of the offensive weapons ban imposed in 1994 during the Clinton administration bill in the decade after 2004. George W. Bush wants to continue to update this bill, but I do not know why, then Congress can not submit a new bill introduced. In his first term, Obama just move paying lip service to it, did not have any intention to take substantive action plan. When Obama speech on the TV screen to wipe away the tears, I was burning the flame of anger. Mr. President, I hate your every field for the play, I hate, I despise your weakness, I hate your tears, you in the end done? ! New York City Mayor Bloomberg is the leadership we need, no empty speech, he will never sensational, but he has the vigor, courage and hard work of a leader. Cinema homicide in Colorado this year, Bloomberg had publicly criticized the presidential candidates of the two parties to take the attitude of silence on gun issues. Also yesterday, Bloomberg has proposed three main motion of the gun control reform. The Sandy Hook massacre since the Republican Party is a silent, their silence is the best answer. Their silence on behalf of the so-called Pro-Life philosophy they had advertised they defend the most real thing lies.

A country does not have the ability to safeguard the lives and safety of the pupils, let a person insane wanton slaughter of innocents in this country what qualifications in international peacekeeping? ! Even the most basic right to exist can not be guaranteed also advertised their freedom and democracy, is it nonsense? !

Piles of flowers, there are countless Teddy Bear; prayers of the church, there Candlelight Memorial; scared Hubei expression, cried together picture, all of these have become a fixed program something in each over and over again after a tragedy occurred staged reincarnation forward, and then pretty soon faded from the public eye vision. No thing, no item can be exchanged for any of the lives of young children. Program, not so much to commemorate the children, survivors or bystanders as it is a means to his heart a little to get a little comfort. I felt very tired, very tired. To know this is a very good palsy own country. Have two states have passed laws marijuana legalization. More pain, unbearable thing again, rely on drugs paralysis nerve, will soon be comfortable and will feel good about. So we all continue to escapism, continue to avoid solving practical problems.

Yesterday saw the mother in the video interview, said her 6-year-old daughter was killed, she came home the first thing is throwing himself on the bed to sleep in her daughter, because that the bed also left her daughter body atmosphere. . . . I crash again, difficult to restrain, tears rushing down.

Also yesterday, a long dark tunnel, I seem to see a little bit of light. I sincerely hope that the light is real, not illusory. MSNBC's morning program Morning Joe host Joe Scarborough spoke for some 10 minutes, with a heavy heart monologue. He said he is a conservative Republican, Sandy Hook was a change in his thinking on the pro-gun rights. He had a Florida-fourth of the House of Representatives, the highest A rating by the National Rifle Association and. Ideology, he has always been firmly safeguard the right to grab ownership by, but this time, he finally admitted that the tragedy of Sandy Hook, and change the past to the present, he has been a firm ideology. He said, "there is no absolute right to the entertainment to beautify the murder and violence, poisoning the minds of young people, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is not gun manufacturers should be given the absolute right to sell it to any militarization of semi-automatic high lethality pistol." West Virginia Governor Joe Manchin is determined the owner of the gun-rights defenders, he also expressed the need to discuss the Assault Weapon of Ban. This person is also the highest A rating by the National Rifle Association. Social change is difficult, but the most difficult to change the hearts of the people. If the person's heart is changed, the iceberg will melt.

Sandy Hook can really become a tipping point for U.S. gun control and watershed, Even if we need to wait and see. In any case, the new bill is passed, that is the cost of the 20 children of innocent lives in exchange for. The angel had come into the world because of the sins of the world prematurely broken wings, away from us. Hopefully this the Sandy Hook primary tragedy deeply arouse the conscience of the politicians and all the pro gun people we need in the end what kind of freedom, democracy, and rights.

This Christmas, I have no pleasure in the mood. Dignified heart and condolences to the heart of the Christmas theme. Colleagues to knock on the door, and sent me a gift, I can really not in the mood, I had to tell us the truth, I'm sorry, I really can not say Merry Christmas. This year's Christmas is only suitable for Mourning. I do not want to run away, I can not escape, and the United States whom we struggle more than two decades of their homes, we can not escape, so I prefer to choose the more painful select indictment, select cry Select anger.

************* 一个愤怒母亲的心声 (原文) *******************
忙忙碌碌马不停蹄的一年很快就要结束了,很盼望着在即将到来的假期里休息一下,陪孩子们度过一个轻松愉快的假期,放松身心,好迎接下一年的到来。 就在此时,传来康州Sandy Hook小学的血腥屠杀惨案。冷不防,心口被狠狠地捅了一刀,击中了生命中最软弱,最脆弱,也是最不堪一击的地方。辛勤努力地像小蜜蜂一样,平时把自己的家庭和工作努力安排地井井有条的我,顿然间失去了完成各项任务的动力和兴趣。深刻地意识到我们完全没有办法保护我们自己的孩子不会受到类似的杀戮。心整天被这样的焦虑折磨着,啃噬着,看不到希望。这三天下来,惶恐不可终日,心不在焉,魂不守舍,感觉自己已经变成了一具行尸走肉。

夜晚,孩子们都睡着了,我一个人来到电脑前。心里的痛,心里的堵,难以名状。来到文学城子女教育坦,逐条阅读姐妹们的帖子,心里得到了不少的安慰,仿佛黑夜里孤独疲惫的行军者找到了组织。 生命中不可承受之重,与同为母亲心的姐妹们分担,至少不再孤独。 任何人以为这样的事情不会降临在自己的孩子身上,那只是自欺欺人。2007年弗吉尼亚理工大学的惨案发生后,我就知道这样的事情还会再次发生。平日里我们小心翼翼地关注着孩子们的健康和安全。 但做母亲的直觉一直在提醒我似乎黑暗和凶险就隐匿在不远的某一个角落。Sandy Hook只是应验了许许多多母亲心中挥之不散的噩梦。今天,这噩梦就是摆在我们面前的现实。Sandy Hook触动了我们最敏感的神经,因为孩子们凝聚了我们所有关于美国梦的精髓。随着Sandy Hook的枪声,我的美国梦顿时支离破碎,灰飞烟灭。 这是美国本土版的恐怖主义。我感觉自己在精神上已经死了一回。

生活在美国的南方,我深知禁枪是绝对不可能实现的天方夜谭。但我至今也搞不明白为什么不能禁止那些能在短时间里导致大规模杀伤力的进攻性武器和配件。 1994年在克林顿当政期间实行的进攻性武器禁止法案于十年以后的2004年实效。小布什想要继续更新这个法案,但是不知为什么当时的国会不能提交新的法案出台。 奥巴马在他的第一个任期内也只是动动嘴皮而已,丝毫没有任何采取实质性行动与计划的意向。 当电视上出现奥巴马讲话时抹去眼角的泪的画面时,我心里燃烧着的是愤怒的火焰。总统先生,我厌恶你的逢场作戏,我厌恶你的软弱无能,我讨厌你的眼泪,你到底做了些什么?!纽约市市长Bloomberg 才是我们需要的领导,他没有空洞的演讲,他也决不会煽情,但他具备一个领导的魄力,勇气和实干。在今年科罗拉多电影院凶杀案之后,Bloomberg就曾公开批评两个党的总统候选人对枪支问题采取沉默的态度。 也是在昨天,Bloomberg提出了枪支管理改革的三个主要议案。Sandy Hook 屠杀案至今,共和党内一片沉默,他们的沉默本身就是最好的答案。 他们的沉默代表了他们曾经标榜的所谓Pro-Life的理念是他们所捍卫的最最真实的谎言。

一个国家没有能力保障小学生的生命安全,任由一个精神失常的人恣意屠杀无辜,这个国家有什么资格在国际上维持和平?! 连最基本的生存权利都无法保障,还标榜自己的自由民主,岂不是痴人说梦?!

成堆的鲜花,还有数不尽的毛毛熊;教堂的祈祷,还有烛光纪念;惊鄂的表情,相拥而泣的画面,所有的这些都变成了固定的程序化的东西,在每个惨案的发生后一遍又一遍地上演着,轮回着,然后不多久,就从公众的眼光视野里褪去。 没有任何一样事情,没有任何一样物品,可以换来任何一个小孩子的性命。 那些程序化的东西,与其说是为了纪念孩子,不如说是幸存者或是旁观者让自己的内心稍微得到一点安慰的手段而已。我内心感到很疲乏,很厌倦。 要知道这是一个很善于麻痹自己的国家。已经有两个州通过了吸食大麻合法化的法律。 再痛苦,再难以承受的事情,靠药物麻痹一下神经,很快就会舒服,又会感觉良好了。 于是大家都继续逃避现实,继续回避解决现实的问题。


也是在昨天,在漆黑的漫长的隧道里,我似乎看到了一丁点的亮光。我真心地希望这个亮光是真实的,不是虚幻的。MSNBC的早晨节目Morning Joe的主持人Joe Scarborough 带着沉重的心情讲了一段10分钟的独白。 他说他是一个保守的共和党人,Sandy Hook终于改变了他对拥枪权利的思考。 他曾经是弗罗里达州四届的众议员,得到全美来复枪协会的最高A评及。在意识形态上,他向来都是坚决维护拥抢者的权利的,可是这一次,他终于承认,Sandy Hook的惨案,改变了他过去到现在一直坚守的意识形态。他说,“娱乐圈没有绝对的权利去美化凶杀暴力,毒害青少年的头脑,我们的人权宣言也不应赋予枪支制造商绝对的权利贩卖给任何人军事化的半自动高杀伤力的手枪。” 西弗吉尼亚州长Joe Manchin也是坚决的拥枪权利维护者,他也表示必须要讨论Assault Weapon Ban。此人也是得到全美来复枪协会的最高A评及。 社会变革是艰难的,但最难改变的其实还是人的心。 如果人的心改变了,冰山都是会融化的。

Sandy Hook是否真的可以成为美国枪支管理的tipping point和分水岭,我们尚且需要拭目以待。 无论如何,就是有新的更为完善的法案通过,那也是以20个小孩子无辜性命的代价换来的。 天使曾经来到人间,却因着人间的罪恶过早地折翼,离我们远去。 但愿这次Sandy Hook小学的惨案能深刻唤起政客和所有拥枪民众的良知,我们到底需要什么样的自由,民主,和权利。

这个圣诞节,我没有喜乐的心情。凝重的心和哀悼的心是这个圣诞节的主题。同事们来敲门,给我送来了礼品,可我真的没有这个心情,我只好如实相告,对不起,我真的说不出Merry Christmas。 今年的圣诞节只适合Mourning。 我不想逃避,我也无法逃避,美国是我们为之奋斗十几二十年的家园,我们无法逃避,所以我宁可选择痛苦,选择控诉,选择呐喊,选择愤怒。


Obama is such a coward. Any mother knows what need to be done to -luguoren- 给 luguoren 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/18/2012 postreply 19:19:52
