事以愿违,理想落地:Ann Curry Says Tearful Goodbye

来源: derKerl 2012-06-29 13:35:35 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (106109 bytes)

她想带给观众 the whole world, but couldn’t carry the ball over the finish line.

abc ann curry jp 120628 wblog Ann Curry Says Tearful Goodbye to Today

Ann Curry does have a lot of fans:

I will no longer watch the TODAY SHOW..

Posted by: Robert Shimp | June 28, 2012, 7:46 am 7:46 am

Will now be watching GMA. Nbc lacks class and that is the reason they are losing viewers!!!! Love Amy Robach, she is a great addition to your network!!!

Posted by: carolyn | June 28, 2012, 7:49 am 7:49 am

This is my last morning for the Today show – when Ann Curry signs off so do I. The way this was handled was deplorable – and yet, we watched classy Ann Curry show up to work every morning since last week with a smile on her face despite all the negative p.r. and backstabbing that was going on at that network. Don’t blame Ann for your failing ratings – instead look within your production staff and staff who determine content – make a decision – do you want to be news or some morning entertainment fluff show? The whole mindset that Ann is responsible for your decline in ratings is ridiculous – the show is a team / group effort and they overlook the fact that when Ann climbed Mt Everest over the course of a week was compelling, look at her report from the Sudan or some of her other far-flung reporting – she is phenomenal in how she can draw in the viewers with her heartfelt stories. NBC can say they will utilize her for other stories etc – but she belongs on that morning show – she was every bit as relevant as Matt Lauer, far more interesting than Savannah, and as integral a part of morning t.v. for 14+ years as Al Roker.

Posted by: justamom | June 28, 2012, 8:26 am 8:26 am

If there ever was a wonderful example of corporate devilry at work, it’s how NBC handled Ms. Curry. She is a media trooper and perhaps her talents will be better used in a different capacity. Media executives get what they deserve – and if lower ratings means anything to these narcistssic morons,, let them learn from it.

Posted by: Mm | June 28, 2012, 8:38 am 8:38 am

I just heard this morning that Ann was leaving. She is so sweet and so extremely intelligent. I love Al Roker. I tolerated Meredith (didn’t care for her) and now Ann is leaving (pushed out). Sorry TODAY, I am through. When you get your act together, let us know. We might be back, but i doubt it. Ann, all the best to you. Now you have your chance to show the TODAY show that you could carry the whole anchor position as a solo. Matt can’t do it by himself. Love you Ann and God bless you and your family. Wonder if Jenna Bush will be the next anchor?

Posted by: grammawv | June 28, 2012, 8:40 am 8:40 am

NBC lost audience because it became a Leftist mouthpiece, especially for Obama, IMHO. It slants, ignores, and fabricates stories instead of using facts. Just give us facts, please.

Posted by: jonnie | June 28, 2012, 8:45 am 8:45 am


Posted by: Pete | June 28, 2012, 8:54 am 8:54 am

I have not been a fan of the today show since Matt Lauer and Kaie Couric were anchors. She annoyed me and his is so blah! The Today show is stale, Matt Lauer is the problem, not Meridith Viera, not Ann Curry. They least brought life to the program. Now bringing in a young nobody… wow, what an inspiration!!!!??? NBC exec: don’t you see the problem!!! And you’re paying him $25 Million!!! C’mon, no wonder you are failing, flailing, going down.

GMA all the way… love Robin and Josh!!!
By the way, Jenna Bus would be huge for NBC!!! Unfortunately, NBC has tunnel-Matt Lauer-vision!

Posted by: GPeggy | June 28, 2012, 8:56 am 8:56 am

So sad to see Ann Curry leave as cohost. She has so much class and a great heart. I don’t believe that Ann is the reason for the lower ratings. It is the format of the show that needs changed. Savannah Guthrie has been trying to take Ann’s job ever since she first started on the show. I do not like her and will not watch the show if she replaces Ann. NBC and The Today Show made a big mistake by not letting Ann continue as cohost and just changing the format of the show. Ann will go on to bigger and better things I am sure.

Posted by: Charma | June 28, 2012, 9:03 am 9:03 am

I am furious over the loss of Ann Curry on NBC! I will leave the Today Show along with all of the others commenting on this site! Ann is a class act…she is professional and connects well to anyone including Matt. She was soo deserving of this position and in my opinion far less silly than Meredith and her young replacement. I hope everyone who watches the Today Show leaves in droves!

Posted by: sharon | June 28, 2012, 9:05 am 9:05 am

Don’t cry for Curry. Prices will go up to cover her golden parachute and the new host’s salary. Commercial TV passes costs to the consumer. Rich get richer and the hosts will fake empathy.

Posted by: Greg | June 28, 2012, 9:06 am 9:06 am

Too bad. She is hot.

Posted by: mojo | June 28, 2012, 9:06 am 9:06 am

I love you Ann — beautiful, so professional, so intelligent, so capable, so natural, so sincere. Of all the personalities on TODAY, you are THE ABSOLUTE BEST. What’s wrong with you TODAY people? You just lost a long-long-time fan!

Posted by: Barbara O*****orne | June 28, 2012, 9:07 am 9:07 am

I am glad she is leaving. She is a horrible interviewer and asks the most ridiculous questions and feins such concern. She should have never gotten this job in the first place.

Posted by: Jackie | June 28, 2012, 9:09 am 9:09 am

Ann, you are one classy woman. I have enjoyed watching you for years on the Today Show. You was one of the people that helps my day start off in a positive way. You will be hard to replace. One more thing, now that you are being replaced, I will find someone else to help my day start off and certainly it want come from watching the Today Show. Be blessed.

Posted by: Ernest Cutler | June 28, 2012, 9:11 am 9:11 am

Good move getting rid of Ann Curry, NBC. What took you so long?!!! She flubs every line she reads and is difficult to watch. Her presence has resulted in my household tuning into CBS This Morning even though we don’t like Gayle King. We still don’t understand why you put Ann in the anchor chair to begin with when you had such talent in Amy Robach and Natalie Morales. Savannah Gutherie, as a newbie, is even better than Ann. If you want really want to make us happy, bring back Meredith Viera! Good luck to Ann, but we’ll enjoy the show more without her constant on-air presence.

Posted by: Mia | June 28, 2012, 9:14 am 9:14 am

I am so sorry to hear that….she is a most gracious and caring person. You can feel her emotions when she is reporting on something good or bad. Ann you are a wonderful Anchor and you will be sadly missed by all. The Today Show will suffer more. I will be watching for you on Nightly News. Best of Luck, you will succed in anything you do!

Posted by: Dee Dee | June 28, 2012, 9:14 am 9:14 am

They should dump Matt Lauer not Ann.

Posted by: Ted | June 28, 2012, 9:33 am 9:33 am

I think Ann Curry was terrific. A newsperson, not ” fluff”

Posted by: sle3364 | June 28, 2012, 9:51 am 9:51 am

Ann you are beautiful inside and out! I hope ABC snatches you, screw NBC for what they did despicable!!!!

Posted by: Georgie | June 28, 2012, 9:52 am 9:52 am

I love Ann but she wasn’t able to turn her soft approach into anchor material. She is the very best at human interest and any story where the intitial approach needs to be gentle.

I do not think you can blame one person for a ratings drop. GMA has worked very hard at becoming a leader – so did the Today show. I think perhaps the Today show took for granted the fact that they were number one.

You have to give them credit for giving Ann a chance. The bottom line is though, that as long as there are shareholders, a business has to consider, well, the bottom line. Advertisers take their business to whomever is number one so they get more exposure. Ann is just a casualty in the effort to find what will put them back on top.

This is a good more for Ann. She is an award winning journalist and I think this will take her in the direction that she was meant to go in – world journalism. No doubt that no one else on the Today show could do what Ann is so good at. She just isn’t as good as they are at morning TV.

Posted by: WilmaWonka | June 28, 2012, 9:56 am 9:56 am

Well this stinks. I’d watch a morning show with Ann & Robin!! Those are who I like the best.
I cannot stand Matt adn never understood why anyone would

Posted by: CIndy | June 28, 2012, 9:56 am 9:56 am

I am so disappointed in NBC for letting Ann Curry leave the show. It was great waking up to her genuine smile and someone you knew and trusted. The class is gone. Savannah friendliness seems force. I have been watching this show since the 60′s. I love Hoda and Kathy and the segment with Star, Donnie and the Doc but I might switch to ABC.

Posted by: MARY | June 28, 2012, 9:59 am 9:59 am

I agree that Anne and Matt didn’t gel. I could see that from day one. I do whole heartedily agree she is a fabulous interviewer. I like the idea of her on 60 minutes or something like that. I like Natalie Morales in the co-chair position. I am most thankful that Meredith is gone. I agree that GMA is a compettior for Today – the reason is the news – they actually broadcast and discuss it rather than a 60 second gloss over. People watch the morning shows for the news – give them that and Today show will return to the top.

Posted by: MiLowe35 | June 28, 2012, 10:03 am 10:03 am

Interesting! NBC has been caught red handed altering tapes to distort the news on more than one occassion and people are surprised by this. Nothing that NBC does surprises me. They are a pure propaganda mill for the democrats.

Posted by: Perplexed | June 28, 2012, 10:09 am 10:09 am

They started to lose me when they brought Meredith onboard. When she left, I tried to come back, but I honestly found Matt had changed into an arse. Ann, Al and Natalie were always great. And while GMA had amped up their show with some personality (something I think Matt lacks) I always wanted to go back to Today. IMHO I think the people running the show is making a huge mistake!!!

Posted by: Sven Svenson | June 28, 2012, 10:10 am 10:10 am

I am so disgusted with them over Ann Curry I will no longer watch the Today show. Finished! What a mistake!

Posted by: Disgusted | June 28, 2012, 10:24 am 10:24 am

Should have ditched Matt Lauer – maybe he’s why the ratings are down. I have no respect for the man getting Ann Curry off the show. I will not watch anything he is involved with for now on.

Posted by: Jackie | June 28, 2012, 10:27 am 10:27 am

I for one am done with Matt Lauer and the Today show. Bad decision.

Posted by: Susan | June 28, 2012, 10:29 am 10:29 am

As far as I’m concerned none of them worked well with Matt mainly because of his demeanor. I think he is a hard person to get along with because he thinks he’s all that. It would be better to get rid of him rather than the females.

Posted by: Pat Piazza | June 28, 2012, 10:29 am 10:29 am

Goodbye Today Show. Classless act. Ann was wonderful.

Posted by: Mary | June 28, 2012, 10:43 am 10:43 am

What SHOULD have been axed is the deplorable Kathie and Hoda hour. They probably garner millions for whatever it is they do.

Posted by: kimmie | June 28, 2012, 11:08 am 11:08 am

What a loss for the Today show. Ann has always been one of my favorites.

Posted by: tracigee | June 28, 2012, 11:11 am 11:11 am

Good by”e, Ann. Good bye “Today” … Hello “Good Morning America!

Posted by: Serena Sullivan | June 28, 2012, 11:30 am 11:30 am

Kimmie – could not agree with you more! I tried to watch Kathy and Hoda once and it was pitiful!! I’ve never liked the Today Show, but I’ve always like Ann Curry. What a mistake to show her the door. I don’t be watching again.

Posted by: Anne | June 28, 2012, 11:30 am 11:30 am

I quit watching years ago. It’s become an infomercial for their show line up and utter nonsense. The poor quality has nothing to do with Ann Curry.

Posted by: FIZZ | June 28, 2012, 11:34 am 11:34 am

This was my last day to watch the Today show. You are right that the programing is shallow. I want NEWS, NOT FLUFF. I am a longtime viewer of Today. I am sure the only audience you are tring to appeal to is under 40. You have missed the mark for real grownups.

Posted by: CS West | June 28, 2012, 11:40 am 11:40 am

Shame on you Today show! Ann was great. GMA, here I come!

Posted by: Jen | June 28, 2012, 11:43 am 11:43 am

Im done with the Today show…….Ann was the one bright spot in the 2 hour show.

Posted by: Linda | June 28, 2012, 11:45 am 11:45 am

Unfortunately I have to agree with other comments that TODAY has devolved in to little more than entertainment fluff. I thought maybe I was the only one who felt the format has gotten pretty crappy, but it looks like I have company. Just the same, giving the boot to Ann Curry is a mistake. She’s professional, intelligent, but she’s ultimately wasted her talent on TODAY. Most certainly someone should lose their job for the direction TODAY has been following for the past several years, but it sure as heck shouldn’t be Ann Curry.

Posted by: James | June 28, 2012, 12:06 pm 12:06 pm

While I’m not a fan of Ann Curry’s. NBC handled her exit terribly. I’ve never believed she was a great journalist or monring show host. At best, she was good as a Today Show news reader and fill-in anchor for Brian Williams. Having said that, after 15 years as part of the “NBC family,” she didn’t deserve to be pushed aside and scapegoated for low ratings (Hello, Matt Lauer is also a big part of the show and the Today Show’s format is awful). I have been watching GMA for some time, which I think is far more interesting as morning shows go. I’d be willing to go back to the Today show if they would change things up and go with an intelligent, witty co-host like Hoda Kotb. Not a fan of Savannah Guthrie, who acts like a teenager. Natalie Morales is also very good.

As for Ann, although I don’t like the way she was booted, I don’t feel that sorry for her. It’s reported she’s getting a $10 million pay-out, maybe more.

Posted by: Lola | June 28, 2012, 12:08 pm 12:08 pm

While I agree with the positive comments about Ann (and was so glad when Katie left), the problem with NBC, in my opinion comes from the top of the news division. They are fabricating news – picking and choosing which stories they want to cover – and whether they feel they will be helpful or hurtful to the present administration or damaging to the Republicans. They have actually doctored at least three video tapes” that we know of” and they are so blinded by their love for Obama that I cannot consider NBC a legitimate news organization.

How NBC handled this outster of a classy, long-time news professinal should be an indication of just how far into the abyss they have fallen. I gave up on my once-favorite network quite awhile back.

Posted by: Southern Belle | June 28, 2012, 12:20 pm 12:20 pm

The Today Show is definitely one with an agenda and I for one am done watching it. It really has nothing to do with the anchors… Savannah Guthrie is unappealing and a joke anyway…. maybe Natalie Morales has some appeal. The show is biased and it shows. boring and tedious at best.

Posted by: Susan | June 28, 2012, 12:24 pm 12:24 pm

I don’t like the way Ann Curry’s exit was handled by the network, it is tacky, but that is the world we live in isn’t it? I’m sure having a multi million dollar job offer and/or settlement makes it much easier, it’s not like she’s going to be starving and homeless.

Posted by: LCL | June 28, 2012, 12:25 pm 12:25 pm

Ratings are down because of Matt. He’s not worth the $$$ they’re paying him. He’s so dull and stiff.

Posted by: Peggy Sue | June 28, 2012, 12:41 pm 12:41 pm

Isn’t this what they did to Conan?

Posted by: Greg | June 28, 2012, 12:47 pm 12:47 pm

How unfortunate. She was the only reason I watched the Today show. She has always come off as being sincere and a truly caring person. Someone who is real to the public and someone who they can relate to on a personal basis, regardless of her income and notoriety. So sorry I can’t say the same for some other on the Today show. Personally, I have never been a fan of Matt Lauer. He comes off as a pompous a##, who reeks of self adoration. Al Roker is still ok, but has become very dry, and Natalie Morales does absolutely nothing for me. I am absolutely sure Ann Curry will continue to make her way in the news media, wherever she goes. Her moving is NBC’s loss not hers, but they won’t truly get that point until the ratings continue to decline.

Posted by: Gem E. | June 28, 2012, 12:49 pm 12:49 pm

I love Ann Curry. I switched to GMA several years ago when every opening blurb from the Today show started with “What did Bush know?”. It became more like a political tabloid to me for lack of a better word. With that said, I was sorry to miss Ann Curry and thought, as much as I love the GMA staff, she’d make the perfect addition to round it out. Good luck, Ann!

Posted by: diane | June 28, 2012, 12:51 pm 12:51 pm

Sad, just plain sad. HELLO GMA, you will be who I watch from now on!

Posted by: Kayla | June 28, 2012, 12:56 pm 12:56 pm

I will no longer be watching the Today Show. I have been watching for 15 years and she was the last person left on the show that I wanted to see report the news each and every morning. Her compassion and genuine love for her viewers and the people she interviewed was evident in her work. NBC is making a huge mistake by letting her go. Good luck to you Ann! YOU are the definition of class.

Posted by: Christina | June 28, 2012, 1:01 pm 1:01 pm

I am saddened to learn that today is Ann Curry’s last day on NBC! The rumors have been so unfair. I will not be watching the Today Show any longer. I will leave the Today Show along with all of the others commenting on this site! Ann is a class act…she is professional and connects well to anyone. I don’t know what the problem was with Ann and Matt’s so called lack of chemistry, but the network did not give them a lot of air time together to actually get comfortable working together. Ann is beautiful and a very intelligent and strong woman. I guess the Today Show executives think that Matt needs a silly little sexy cohost for the chemistry to work. Well, I wish Ann the very best, and hopefully another network will steal her away. She was so deserving of this position. I hope everyone who watches the Today Show will give their time to Good Morning America.

Posted by: Sheila Douglas | June 28, 2012, 1:04 pm 1:04 pm

I have watched the Today Show, literally since the late 1960′s. I’ve grown up with Barbara Walters, Jane Pauley, the thankfully short-lived stint of Deborah Norville, Katie Couric, Meredith, and now Ann. If I missed anyone in-between, I apologize. Ann Curry can hold her own against ANY ONE of those women, some more than others. She is a professional journalist with something that NBC lacks — INTEGRITY. She’s too good for that network! She paid her dues sitting behind the news desk all those years and doing a phenomenal job. She deserves that anchor spot more than anyone else. After well over 40 years of watching my once favorite morning news show, I’ve had it. GOOD BYE Today Show…I’m not sure if I’m ready to say “Good Morning, America”, but I cannot stand by and continue to be a fan of such a miserable network of power-hungry, ratings crazed producers. Ann is an integral part of that “family”. I for one was over joyed when that pompous Bryant Gumble left years ago. I almost stopped watching while he was still on the show. His leaving made for a nice transition into a real ‘team’ atmosphere. But if they keep kicking off key members of the team, especially someone as gifted and vital to the team as Ann, they won’t have to worry about ratings because they will kill the show themselves. Nice going producers. You really screwed this up. Have fun at the bottom because now that’s where your ratings will end up! Viewers love Ann. Natalie lacks substance and sincerity. She’s okay, but Campbell Brown was much better, they never should have taken Campbell off the daily Today program. You have lost a LONG TIME fan, and I know I’m not alone. Best of luck to you, Ann. You’re much too good for this!

Posted by: Irene Balas | June 28, 2012, 1:15 pm 1:15 pm

And so leaves their only true journalist. The others are merely koffee klatch bobbleheads with their goofy weatherman.

Posted by: Ed | June 28, 2012, 1:21 pm 1:21 pm

This comes as a surprise to me. She was the only real journalist of the four regulars on that program (who else has the guts to report from a war zone?). I can only speculate as to why she was forced out of her position, but it’s obviously a corporate business decision that makes no sense to me if the Today show wants to market itself as a hard news and entertainment morning program, but it’s morphing into entertainment only. That’s too bad when I’ve grown to love the Today show since I was a kid watching it with my parents in the late ’60s before heading off to school (I too remember Barbara Walters as well as Hugh Downs, Joe Garagiola and Frank Blair). Now I have to decide on my morning news show habits. GMA is still hard for me to watch. Well, I can always go back to Morning Joe on cable/satellite.

Posted by: JustMeIntheRock | June 28, 2012, 1:46 pm 1:46 pm

Matt Lauer SHOULD BE REPLACED !!! That,s you,re rating problem..I won,t watch ever again!!!

Posted by: Harold Hicks | June 28, 2012, 1:53 pm 1:53 pm

Ann Curry’s downfall came when she, and the Today show producers, did a story that painted the president of Iran as just a normal, fun loving guy. We can argue who deserves the blame but, for me anyway, it may have been the lowest point in the show since the time the show wrapped up a serious, depressing story by panning to Deborah Norville who went “up next, we’ve got some great recipes!!”

Posted by: jjgittes74 | June 28, 2012, 1:59 pm 1:59 pm

Agree with Harold HIcks-They might as well call it “The Today Show STARRING Matt Lauer” rather than “with Matt Lauer.”

Posted by: jjgittes74 | June 28, 2012, 2:01 pm 2:01 pm

Ann Curry WAS the Today Show. With her departure, I will no longer be watching them.

Posted by: Kathy M. | June 28, 2012, 2:05 pm 2:05 pm

I also will no longer be watching the Today Show! There will be NO tomorrow for the show! Hopefully quite a number of people will make the same chioce that I have! How many viewers will be lost? Time will tell! GOOD BYE TODAY! NO TOMORROW!

Posted by: karetta | June 28, 2012, 2:30 pm 2:30 pm

Well this is why I watch GMA! They are the best morning show around!

Posted by: SuperRealMom | June 28, 2012, 2:44 pm 2:44 pm

I agree GPEGGY. I left Today for GMA when Matt and Katie were co-anchors. NBC has no couth, given the way this was handled and also – don’t forget how they handled the Conan deal. I know news and entertainment are probably separate divisions, but the way those were handled is the same.

I absolutely love GMA. From Diane and Charlie to Robin, George, Josh, Sam and Lara – PERFECT crew!!

Posted by: DWS | June 28, 2012, 3:15 pm 3:15 pm

Well, that pretty much ends my morning viewing of the Today show – They screwed up the Tonight Show, so I guess they can’t wait to screw up the Today Show as well. Wow – really like Ann – she will be missed. No way we will be watching that bucked tooth Savannah Guthrie – I mean really, she looks like she is about to chew a tree with those teeth – Good grief – I guess she’ll be getting a raise now so she can have them repaired. But then what will she do about her face . . .

Posted by: Todayshowfan | June 28, 2012, 3:25 pm 3:25 pm

Why do some of you people excuse HER racism?

Posted by: Lincoln Robertson | June 28, 2012, 3:45 pm 3:45 pm

What in the world is NBC up to? Recently Amy Robach switches to GMA and now NBC treats Ann poorly. I wonder if it has something to do with the way that NBC is currently leaning polotically?

Posted by: rev1981 | June 28, 2012, 4:06 pm 4:06 pm

Wow Matt stays, with his lack of expression expect what they tell him to try and show. The women of the show are the show! They show more class concern and tell the news stories with more passion . The today show is no longer in my favorites to watch in the A.M! Best of luck matt al and the rest who dont stick out there necks to help save a very noteworthy anchor!

Posted by: jrb | June 28, 2012, 4:47 pm 4:47 pm

So sad….guess I won’t be watching NBC anymore. Ann is so grounded & personable. What is wrong with you people at NBC?

Posted by: ekgray | June 28, 2012, 4:51 pm 4:51 pm

For me, my wish came true. I have been asking for this to happen. The Today Show was going to approach a 5th hour so Ann could finish her dialogue. She literally messed up the English language, and it went on too long. She was terrific as a traveling reporter, but not as a front desk person. There was no chemistry between her and Matt and you have to have that connection for things to flow along. It is like a movie – this was not cast well. I will be returning to watch The Today Show. This is not Matt’s fault. He blended with Katie and Meredith, but not Ann. You could see it plain as day. He has a comic side and Ann tried but wasn’t very successful.

Posted by: Susan L. Hawkins | June 28, 2012, 5:37 pm 5:37 pm

How could ABC do such a dumb thing as to let Ann go. I have watched Today for all the years that Ann has been on, and now I will have to switch to “Good Morning America”. I love Matt and all the people (except the two lushes on the 4th hour, so I can’t stand to watch them, and turn them off) but now in protest to letting a wonderful “LADY” like Ann go, so am I. Good-bye Today.

Posted by: helen | June 28, 2012, 5:51 pm 5:51 pm

I will never watch the Today Show again. I hope the ratings drop and drop some more. Who wil they blame then?

Posted by: Dave Selleck | June 28, 2012, 6:15 pm 6:15 pm

I want to echo the other comments, I just stopped recording the Today show and switched to Good Morning America. The way NBC threw Ann Curry under the bus was pretty disrespectful to her years of service. I”m looking forward to checking out George and LMAFO tomorrow morning. Lauer and who ever kept leaking Curry status are the lowest form of life.

Posted by: Disabled Veteran | June 28, 2012, 6:29 pm 6:29 pm

I watched The Today Show because Ann Curry was a model for me as one of the first prominent women of mixed White and Asian background. With people constantly asking me “What are you?”, Ann Curry gave me someone to look towards, someone who created her own place in the world as herself, embracing her mixed heritage, but not necessarily using it as the sole definition of herself. People of mixed race aren’t a freakshow. They can be Somebody.

It’s true, aside from Al, Ann didn’t mesh with the other team members – but that’s because they lacked any intellectual gravitas. For example, Savannah Guthrie dumbfounding statement, “Queen Elizabeth helped Columbus find America.” Seriously? Wrong queen, wrong country, wrong century. Like I didn’t have enough disrespect for the legal profession already. Natalie plays herself lighter than I think she is, but that’s worse than being genuinely stupid.

I’m done w/ Today – but no worries about me going to GMA. I’m giving up morning t.v. altogether and heading back over to NPR.

Posted by: Hapa Woman | June 28, 2012, 6:38 pm 6:38 pm

Matt sure faked it thru all of that b s this morning! He was probably the boot that kicked her to the curb! Will really hate watching it now. I have hated how they lean toward the left, so guess what, I’m DONE! You can preach all of the Probama rhetoric to all of the masses who want to believe, but it won’t include me! See ya!!

Posted by: Linda | June 28, 2012, 6:57 pm 6:57 pm

I think they lost the best part of the show today. But why should this suprise me – some of the most class-less – careless reporting I’d ever seen was by Katie Couric and she stayed on and on and on. Yep – it’s almost like working for the government – ineptitude is rewarded.

Posted by: Cindy | June 28, 2012, 6:58 pm 6:58 pm


Posted by: Pedro | June 28, 2012, 7:10 pm 7:10 pm

Nathalie Morales is good tho… hope she and Ann get to work together somewhere else…

Posted by: Pedro | June 28, 2012, 7:18 pm 7:18 pm

I will not be watching NBC any more either. I agree with those of you who said Ann was the best part of the show. I will be switching to Good Morning America!!

Posted by: Janet | June 28, 2012, 7:22 pm 7:22 pm

I have been a loyal Today Show watcher until today. Ann Curry was an asset to the show and I feel had nothing to do with the ratings drop. It was quite obvious how devastated Ann was over the heartless way the whole situation was handled. I want to wish her success and great things. As for NBC and the Today Show, maybe an even more prominent ratings drop is in order.

Posted by: Ann | June 28, 2012, 7:23 pm 7:23 pm

I’m sorry to see Ann go. She was interesting, very kind and intelligent. I really was not sorry to see the previous anchor go as she use to annoy me. So much for that, may just try another channel.

Posted by: Mary | June 28, 2012, 7:38 pm 7:38 pm

Good Bye Today , the treamret of Ann Curry was awful. To blame her for your bad ratings ??? Shame on you. !!!! So much for her loyalty to Today. And Matt maybe you should replace him, how many Cohosts does it take for you to think it may be him that’s gettng the bad ratings.

Posted by: Carol Bowers | June 28, 2012, 7:47 pm 7:47 pm

Ann was the reason I watched the show. Stupid move, NBC. Not only will I no longer watch The Today Show — I won’t tune in to NBC at all.

Posted by: joann | June 28, 2012, 7:52 pm 7:52 pm

Hi ABC … Due to NBC letting Ann Curry go and using her as a scapegoat (and the fact that I don’t care for her replacement), I’ll be switching to GMA tomorrow morning. I’ve watched the Today show for 20 years but I’m switching to you. I hope you’re up for the new viewers you’re going to have.

Posted by: Lisa | June 28, 2012, 8:02 pm 8:02 pm

I am so very disappointed that Ann Curry is leaving the Today show. I have the utmost respect for her. The show was more than a mere job for her. My son was a Marine on the front line when the war started. She covered his unit’s horrendous loss of life and personally supported my son on his extended road to recovery. There’s none like her.

Posted by: Louise Glass | June 28, 2012, 8:06 pm 8:06 pm

Obviously NBC is hellbound on becoming the least watched news network. Hey, why don’t they bring on Rachel Madcow to replace her? That would prove how biased they really are.

Posted by: newcountryman | June 28, 2012, 8:49 pm 8:49 pm

Really, Ann Curry not good enough to carry the ball? With Matt Lauer balding as I watch, and begining to look like the Penguin in Batman — you can’t say he is eye candy. And his stick-in-the-mud delivery makes me want to buy gumm boots. Ann was light and airy, erudite and classy. SHE didn’t have the right partner. Why is it that TV anchor women are disposable and the men get grumpy and unattractive, but hey that’s okay — they’re serious journalists. How about a really nice looking guy to pair with beautiful Ann Curry? Really, is it 2012? Not watching NBC until they get some male hunk out there. Don’t worry Ann everyone knows you are the cream of the crop and NBC is seems to gravitate to slug-o-matic.

Posted by: Florindae | June 28, 2012, 8:58 pm 8:58 pm

Very bad decision on the Network’s part. Ann Curry brought the most credibility to the show and she will be missed. If there was a lack of chemistry between Ann and Matt I think you need to consider the fact that Matt might be the one lacking in personality. Could that be why he must be paired with a female co-anchor who must play the part of a cheerful, happy go lucky, side kick to his lack luster personality? To Ann I say, it’s probably for the best as you can do better! For the network I say, so long “Today” and “Good Morning America”! By the way, this is the first time I’ve ever commented on line for anything due to my busy schedule. What does that tell you? Don’t dummy down the American public. The reality shows are bad enough.

Posted by: Andrea Harney | June 28, 2012, 9:01 pm 9:01 pm

Ann Curry, you will deeply be missed. You were a role model for me; a terrific news anchor; and I follow you on Twitter and subscribe to you. I have been an NBC fan for as long as I can remember. I cannot believe NBC has decided to oust you out of the morning show I prefer to watch when I get ready for work in the morning. NBC, I will no longer be tuning in “Today.”

Posted by: Gina | June 28, 2012, 9:22 pm 9:22 pm

I just can’t believe they think Ann was anything but refreshing, Nothing like my cup of coffee and to see the sweet face of Ann in the mornings, loved everything she did on the show but most of all will miss her big heart and smile…. bye bye NBC

Posted by: carol wheeler | June 28, 2012, 9:24 pm 9:24 pm

Now, if NBC will can Kathy Lee, I can start watching again.

Posted by: Bubba | June 28, 2012, 9:33 pm 9:33 pm

I just cannot believe they let Ann Curry go or that they blamed her for ABC moving ahead in the ratings. Once the idea sunk in that today would be Ann’s last day on the show, I expected some sort of a “send off” and was completely appalled that they basically gave her 5 minutes to say goodbye and that was it. After 14-15 years on the Today show, that was all they could do for her??? I am nearly 50 years old and have watched the Today show since Barbara Walters was the co-anchor, but after the crappy way NBC just treated Ann Curry, I will now be watch ABC.

Posted by: Elizabeth A. Royalty | June 28, 2012, 9:42 pm 9:42 pm

I usually watch the other morning show anyway because Matt Lauer is such a snob. Anne was the only redeeming person on the show. NBC tried to publicly humilate her and they could not do it. What a class act she is. She is too good for that network. And for the Matt to sit their with a smirk on his face & give her his hand. Now I will purposely never watch anything on NBC again (not that their was much worth watching anyway). NBC made a HUGE mistake making Matt the King. He is such a poser & now he will get what he wants. Too bad he is just learning the lesson that is not the way to treat people on the way up. She will soar & he is will go down with his NBC ship.

Posted by: Karen | June 28, 2012, 9:51 pm 9:51 pm

NBC completely disregarded the people power supporting Ann Curry that was expressed in the spontaneous outpouring of support for her on the Internet and the online petition of several thousand signatures that added a signature every few minutes.

In response to NBC’s arrogance, ALL supporters of Ann Curry should switch solely to GMA tomorrow morning at 7 am to help win the ratings for GMA and send a powerful message to NBC.

NBC should launch an internal investigation to identify who made the serial media leaks, discipline the employee, and apologize to Ann Curry.

Further, accountability calls for heads to roll…Stephen B. Burke, CEO of NBC/Comcast, Steve Capus, President of NBC News, and Jim Bell, Executive Producer of the Today Show. The buck stops with them!

Posted by: keen observer | June 28, 2012, 10:40 pm 10:40 pm

Cannot stand Matt , Ann Curry is the only reason I started watching The Today Show again. Boy, did NBC get it wrong. Get rid of the JERK. Will definitely NOT watch The Today Show again. Will miss you, Ann. Be proud and know that it wasn’t you.

Posted by: K. Carter | June 28, 2012, 10:45 pm 10:45 pm

Ann Curry was such a joy to watch and listen to. She never sold her soul like most journalists and TV celebs for ratings or effect or shock value. If the ratings were low, it wasn’t because of her. I didn’t watch the show alot because I don’t care for Matt Lauer but have always loved Ann Curry.

Posted by: Jan Pantone | June 28, 2012, 10:52 pm 10:52 pm

I cannot believe that Ann Curry is being forced to leave….BAD MISTAKE NBC! I will not watch anymore. Ann has more class than any person that has ever been on that show. I cannot believe how insensitive and cruel. Watch your ratings now!

Posted by: Lisa Champion | June 28, 2012, 11:02 pm 11:02 pm

What a bunch of classless, lazy jerks. Of all the ways they could have handled this, this had to be the worst….I will do my part in lowering your ratings – unforgivable!! I can’t think of one person on TV that I admire more…and you simply treated her like none of us care. I suppose you throw money at all your problems and hope they go away – incredible!

Posted by: Phil Giles | June 28, 2012, 11:03 pm 11:03 pm

NBC made a HUGE mistake today firing Curry. A 40 year viewer of the Today show…no more after today. The idiots of NBC playing the blame game…let’s put the blame where it belongs: With tired and boring and persnickety Lauer and the dufus Roker. Guthrie: What a joke. Judging by all the blogs, NBC will certainly pay for this devastating decision. Now let’s watch their ratirings plummet further. Who really should have been fired? Lauer, Roker and the producer. They should have replaced Lauer with Willie Geist to co-host with Curry and the show would be a success. Keep doing the same things and expect different results….duh..no brainer…equals failure. Goodbye NBC..Chopping heads has never made good business.

Posted by: lindsay | June 28, 2012, 11:03 pm 11:03 pm


Posted by: CJ | June 28, 2012, 11:09 pm 11:09 pm

If NBC thought their ratings had gone down so far that they had to blame it on Ann Curry and subsequently let her go…..just wait and see where the ratings will be when all of these people who have commented here change the channel. How in the world they could let a class act like Ann Curry go and keep that air-head Kathy Lee Gifford is beyond me. She loves the sound of her own voice and although I have never watched the show have read enough about her faux pas’ to know she and Sarah Palin are two of a kind….neither knows how to read a newspaper and neither has a brain in her head.

Posted by: Arima | June 28, 2012, 11:15 pm 11:15 pm

I have been recording Today for many years but once I learned of Ann’s departure as co-host this afternoon I deleted the dvr timer and setup GMA to record instead. Big mistake NBC!

Posted by: Debbie | June 28, 2012, 11:16 pm 11:16 pm

No more Today show for me. You got rid of Ann, now I will not watch Today.

Posted by: Katy Did | June 28, 2012, 11:23 pm 11:23 pm

Did Savannah Guthrie have some sort of surgery that affected the sound of her voice?

( It sounds very “nasally”… as though she is talking intentionally up through her nose.) ( I hope it is only temporary, as it is distracting.) .

Posted by: ...just wondering... | June 28, 2012, 11:29 pm 11:29 pm

Bad move NBC! I guess they figured they did it to Conan and all is okay now, so let’s do it to Ann. She was at least interesting, has a heart, and was willing to try things. Do you think Matt will be in a war zone or with children in Africa? No way…he wouldn’t be able to pack that much Purell! I can’t believe they think Savannah will be a better co-host. Well…maybe she will…she’s just as stiff as Matt. I was a long time GMA fan and moved to Today daily when Merideth came on board. I was sad when she left because I like her so much. I watched her because she was real, and when Ann replaced her I was good with that because she is also real. I did not watch for Matt or Al. They act like kings sometimes, and it’s not cute. Now I’ll be heading back to GMA. It wouldn’t matter if NBC did something fantastic. I can’t watch a show that treated someone so poorly in the end as if that person had contributed nothing along the way. And as for Matt’s comment this morning of “you made us better”…how the heck could he say that to her face? If she made you all better, then why was she thrown under the bus and off the show? That was beyond insensitive of him. Good luck to Ann in all of her future endeavors. Hold your head up high Mrs. Curry…you were good, fair, nice, compassionate, and classy to the end. You are an example to women and young girls everywhere. We’ll miss you in the morning, but will see you soon in other places. Take care.

Posted by: Martha | June 28, 2012, 11:36 pm 11:36 pm

Shame on you NBC Execs for blaming Today’s low ratings on Ann Curry. Ann is and always will be a lady with Class !!! She added to the TODAY show. All us regular people could relate to her . She was classy and elegant and not pretentious. She was relatable. You sent her to places that probably none of the others probably would go. So where was Savanah during all this . She was obviously out of site . Matt Lauer was so phoney today and Ann was such a lady. You treated her badly NBC and do you think that this is going to helo your ratings ??? I think not!!! It isn’t always just about money. Maybe there are other problems but she was your easy target because you knew she was going to be a lady and only have kind words for her experience. Just remember about the lady called KARMA. It truly was a sad day for NBC. I would love to know what you will say and/or think about all our comments. Are you disregarding us because we may bring your ratings down ???

Posted by: Sandy I | June 28, 2012, 11:55 pm 11:55 pm

Last Today show for me too! Will be going to GMA and I really hope their ratings soaring and the Today Show ratings tank. Ann Curry was great on the show. Why Matt, if he were really a friend, didn’t say Ann stays or I leave too is beyond me. And also Al…..

Anyway, goodbye Today.

Posted by: Sharon | June 28, 2012, 11:58 pm 11:58 pm

Too bad Ann didn’t have WMD like Matt.

Posted by: Miss T | June 28, 2012, 11:59 pm 11:59 pm

No more TODAY show for me. Ann you rock and you’re beautiful, I HATE that you are supposed to change positions and now be sent all over the world away from your family because of Matt Lauer. HE is the one that has to go, I’ve been told they can’t believe I even watch the TODAY show because of MATT LAUER in the first place —– he is NOT liked NBC —- get rid of HIM!!! You lose another viewer that has been faithful to you since the 80′s. I’ll miss Al, pray for Ann and wish to never see ugly MATT’s face again. It’s just so sad.

Posted by: cheryl | June 29, 2012, 12:02 am 12:02 am

Savannah Guthrie comes across as snotty and abrasive. Will not watch if she takes over anchor.

Posted by: ken | June 29, 2012, 12:02 am 12:02 am

The TODAY show is now in my past. The only person who was professional, consistently, was Ann. She brought class, intengrity, honesty and a respectful attitude to the program. Matt is a boring, arrogant pain in the butt; Al is a wanna-be-comedian; and Kathie Lee & Hoda and a couple of lushes who act half houched-up most of the time. I was delighted when Katie & Meredith left, ….the sexual, flirty inuendos spoiled my breakfast appetite. Ann was the glue that held the show together and gave it integrity. So long TODAY…..I’ve watched you since the we got a television in the 1950′s…..I grew up with you….but now…..I’ve outgrown you. You really screwed up this time.

Posted by: Fran | June 29, 2012, 12:03 am 12:03 am

Anyway, can’t say I’m sorry to see her go. I couldn’t stand seeing how she inserted her emotional state into every piece. It was nauseating and looked forced and wasn’t necessaary. Matt Lauer is such a phoney. I hope he’s next.

Posted by: Miss T | June 29, 2012, 12:03 am 12:03 am

What sad news today, I can’t believe it but then I guess Matt Lauer thinks he is all that and then some he is no good on there and that is why the ratings are going down hill. He has been on there a long time, he needs to go…. Maybe they need someone new to take his spot as he doesn’t seem like he likes being there anymore and only cares about himself! Good bye Today Show, one more not watching ,wonder why the ratings are going down take a serious look at who you have on there,Should be called the Matt Lauer show……. not impressed at all .

Posted by: Lisa | June 29, 2012, 12:18 am 12:18 am

Really, NBC? You think your ratings are going to go up after this poor display of professionalism. Oh, but I guess you don’t care about that. Whether Anne should or should not have been in that chair, it is quite deplorable the way this was handled. Shame on you NBC executives. You are to blame for your poor ratings, not one of your employees. Pathetic display of management accountability.

Posted by: justplain me | June 29, 2012, 12:25 am 12:25 am

So disappointed!!! Ann was definitely a real person. I like Matt, but I loved watching and listening to Ann. She always brought a smile to my day. I know she will do well, looks like I too will no longer be an NBC fan. Shame on you!!

Posted by: Jose | June 29, 2012, 12:38 am 12:38 am

Ann Curry Gone….Big Mistake!!! I’ve been watching her since I were a teenager and I refuse to stand by and let you Idiots at NBC treat a beautiful heart-filled person in this manner!!! Goodbye NBC….just when you thought you were at the bottom of the Ratings(you will stay there)!!!

Posted by: Fatimah Ray | June 29, 2012, 12:51 am 12:51 am

What a classless and distasteful way to end Ann Curry’s post. I’ve been loyal to the NBC Today Show since the 60′s, yet will change channels beginning tomorrow. What we witnessed this morning was pathetic.

Posted by: Kris | June 29, 2012, 1:05 am 1:05 am

Unbelievable how NBC treated Ann Curry. She’s been great – beautiful, classy, sincere, and good at her job.

Responsible for Today Show’s falling ratings? I don’t think so. And I think they’re going to fall some more now. Like many other viewers, I’m not going to watch the Today Show again. Good Morning America!! Replacing her with Savannah Guthrie? Yuck! She can’t begin to replace Ann. I expect the ratings will really plummet if they do. I might miss Al but he’s not enough to keep me watching NBC.

It’s NBC’s loss – hope another network is smart enough to snatch Ann up. Then watch the ratings!!

Posted by: MEB | June 29, 2012, 2:02 am 2:02 am

Ann Curry is not the reason for lower ratings on NBC! The reason is lack of substance in format and stories. The same old panel of “experts” talking about NOTHING every morning. I have always been loyal to the Today show but today was my last day! Ann I hope you lawyer up if you need to and take the payoff and move on to greater opportunities! You are a class act who shows endless compassion and selflessness and you will be missed!!! I hope to see you on another network soon because I am finished with NBC. By the way NBC, I haven’t forgotten about the Leno/ Coco thing… You guys are complete scumbags!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Julie | June 29, 2012, 2:43 am 2:43 am

I will never watch the Today show again! Ann Curry was the main reason I watched the Today show to begin with. I thought the Today show was supposed to be a morning news show, not a “how do we look” variety show. Perhaps they should skip moving Savannah into Ann’s place, fire Mr. boring Matt Lauer, and let Cathy Lee and Hoda run the show. It seems that NBC doesn’t want qualified journalists on the show. They certainly have none now!
I wish the best for Ann Curry. Somehow I think she has done the best thing she could do for herself. She is totally a cut above the others at the Today show. She will always have me in her audience.

Posted by: MLed | June 29, 2012, 6:27 am 6:27 am

NBC, you really don’t know or understand your audience. What a great disappointment to the many of us who appreciate Ann’s compassion, intelligence and humor. Shame on you.

Posted by: Naomi | June 29, 2012, 7:07 am 7:07 am

Getting used to Fox and Friends this morning as my new choice – thanks NBC for giving me a needed incentive to turn you off. You gave Meredith a minimum of a 2 hour send off when she left and you gave Ann … after 15+ years 5 minutes? So incredibly tacky. I have watched the Today show since I was in highschool – over 30 years ago – and your lack of class finally got me out of my ‘rut’. I know it is said Ann will have assignments and still be on NBC – what I hope is that she leaves the network altogether, they don’t deserve her – and she deserves much better.

Posted by: justamom | June 29, 2012, 7:31 am 7:31 am

I am watching CBS for the first time this morning. I WILL NEVER WATCH TODAY AGAIN! It was not Ann Curry that hurt the show. Ann’s world trips were great. Why didn’t they axe the inept “Where in the World is Matt,” segments and give us news! Good ridance I am enjoying CBS. I will look for Ann but not watch Today ever again! Hope their ratings hit the john immediately.

Posted by: barbara | June 29, 2012, 8:08 am 8:08 am

Your ratings will continue to drop — goodbye TODAY! Hello GMA! Very sad lost — I grew up watching Ann and I will miss her so much! Good luck to you!!!

Posted by: Stef | June 29, 2012, 8:20 am 8:20 am

@ Matt Lauer – it was so obvious that there is no love loss between you and Ann.
How awkward it must have been.

Posted by: Kelly Odneal | June 29, 2012, 8:41 am 8:41 am

I grew up wiht the Today Show, but will no longer be a loyal viewer. Shameful the way they treated the extremely talented Ann Curry. If they want to improve ratings, get rid of pretentious Matt Lauer and the extremely annoying Jenna Wolfe. GOODBYE Today. Hello GMA!! NBC – you need a new strategy.

Posted by: Debra | June 29, 2012, 8:49 am 8:49 am

Ann Curry was the intellect and soul of the Today Show line-up. Now it is some very lovely and nice young women and a not mentally quick, not emotionally deep, king-of-the-hill who pushed her off. It was kind of sad seeing them sitting there this morning. I switched to the smart and charming people of CBS.

Posted by: Christa | June 29, 2012, 9:51 am 9:51 am

Ann Curry is the classiest news person there is.
I have always admired her class, composure and respect during the hard interviews.

Leave NBC, Ann and go to ABC. That’s where we are all going…
And they will REALLY lose the rating race.

Posted by: sherry | June 29, 2012, 10:22 am 10:22 am


Posted by: Claire McDudley | June 29, 2012, 10:24 am 10:24 am

I have been a loyal fan of The Today Show for the past 15 years and I am very disappointed in their decision to replace Ann Curray. I LOVE Ann and respect her as a journalist and a person! I think they are looking more for a entertainer than a journalist, and are definitly missing the mark! I have also lost respect for Matt and would like to see him go! It would be so awesome if ABC would hire Ann. :)

Posted by: Alicia | June 29, 2012, 10:32 am 10:32 am

I enjoyed Ann when she was in the news chair, and was very disappointed when they chose Merideth to replace Katie, and not Ann. With Ann gone I have no reason to watch TODAY any longer. It’s Matt who is the problem. He’s a prissy primadonna. IMHO, he seems so disingengenuous and fake, and in his interviews he comes off as rude, not savvy. The TODAY show is not a news show. It’s like watching a morning version of Entertainment Tonight-FLUFF, no content. I don’t care who replaces Ann, as I wont be watching. Farewell Ann, you’re better off.

Posted by: Ed Shepherd | June 29, 2012, 10:38 am 10:38 am

I have been a faithful fan of the Today show since the time of Dave Garraway. It is how my wife and I began every day. NO MORE!!! As of this morning we have switched our morning viewing to GMA and I must say was very pleasantly surprised to see Amy Robach on the show. It made us feel right at home again. Now if you really want to put the final nail in the NBC/Today Show coffin and pompous Matt Laurer bring on Ann Curry. I am sure she would be available. I have to believe that there are many, many more people that feel the same as I do.

Posted by: Harry | June 29, 2012, 10:41 am 10:41 am

i switched to morning joe about 2 years ago and left the today show. I think Luke Russert or Chuck Todd would be a great replacement but i doubt if they would leave MSNBC and news for fluff.

Posted by: lynda allen | June 29, 2012, 10:55 am 10:55 am

I have to agree with almost all the posts in this thread……

Ann Curry is not the problem.

Matt Lauer is the problem.

Savannah Guthrie is not the solution.

Never watching that show again…..bye bye NBC………….

Posted by: Kenisgod1 | June 29, 2012, 10:55 am 10:55 am

Ann Curry made the show in my opinion. She brought a realness factor to the show that was lacking in some of the other hosts. The lady taking her place seems fake and harsh. She is not worthy of Ann’s replacement. In these difficult times our country is facing, it was nice to get up in the morning and see Ann Curry. I will now be watching a different channel…Bad Mistake Getting Rid of Ann!!!!!

Posted by: bono | June 29, 2012, 12:08 pm 12:08 pm

I have been a 30+ loyal viewer of the Today Show and I watched my last one on June 28th. I believe the problem may be with the management and format of the show and is not the fault of the co-hosts. While I am a fan of Savannah Guthrie, I will now be watching GMA. Kate Snow come back to ABC.

Posted by: Maire | June 29, 2012, 12:14 pm 12:14 pm

Loved Ann! Agree that Matt Lauer should go. He has overstayed welcome

Posted by: Marion | June 29, 2012, 12:25 pm 12:25 pm


Posted by: norasalias | June 29, 2012, 12:58 pm 12:58 pm

Team Ann! Boycotting the Today show.

Posted by: Kirsten | June 29, 2012, 2:40 pm 2:40 pm

So much for your ratings now = NBC you have lost your mind as lost a wonderful SHOW!!! Ann my whole family LOVES you and will never watch the Today show again!!! Sorry Natalie we love you too!!! But it is no show without Ann!!!

Posted by: Brittany Ickes | June 29, 2012, 2:40 pm 2:40 pm

Ann Curry was the only reason I watched the TODAY show. She’s a beautiful, compassionate, caring, REAL person – A REAL CLASS ACT! NBC’s ratings have just gone down the toilet! TODAY has now become THE TITANIC, and Ann is lucky to have gotten off before it sets sail with the arrogant Matt – THE SNOB – Lauer yelling “I’m king of the world” on the bow of the ship as it sails towards it’s now fateful demise! God bless you Ann Curry! GOODBYE TODAY, HELLO GMA TOMORROW!

Posted by: Mark | June 29, 2012, 3:06 pm 3:06 pm

That’s it for me, Goodbye Today…Good Morning America!

Posted by: Leaving Today | June 29, 2012, 3:09 pm 3:09 pm

GMA – You need to get Ann Curry!

Posted by: MARK | June 29, 2012, 3:14 pm 3:14 pm

How could u have done that to Her. U sure know what she could do in the yrs with the Today
Show. your loss. Good luch ANN we will miss u. Good by Today Show

Posted by: Pat | June 29, 2012, 3:48 pm 3:48 pm

Ann is a class act and I think the Today show is getting it wrong by letting her go as the co-host. I have nothing against Savannah Guthrie if she is named the replacement, but this should be Ann’s time. I’ll probably still watch the Today show, but I will miss Ann. Hopefully she enjoys her new role and remains a strong presence.

Posted by: Heather | June 29, 2012, 3:53 pm 3:53 pm

In this loud, obnoxious, in-your-face television world, Ann was the calm quiet voice that offered honesty, intergrity and compassion to the world through NBC. ‘Today’ you have left me searching for just that from another network.

Posted by: Stacy Donlea | June 29, 2012, 4:01 pm 4:01 pm

GMA here I come!!! I have been watching Today for many many years……… not anymore….. BIG MISTAKE!



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