
本文内容已被 [ Frankie1211 ] 在 2012-06-18 16:03:10 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主或论坛管理删除.


What comes to mind when you think about your dad?
             I think about the way he cares about me.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles, so warm and gentle.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles, so warm and gentle that makes me blossom.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles, so warm and gentle that makes me blossom, makes me know that everything is alright.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles,so warm and gentle that makes me blossom, makes me know everything is alright, that I will never be alone.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles, so warm and gentle that makes me blossom, makes me know everything is alright, that I will never be alone, that he will support me no matter what I do.
I think about the way he cares about me when he smiles, so warm and gentle that makes me blossom, makes me know everything is alright, that I will never be along, that he will support me no matter what I do and lead me toward the person I strive to be.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad,because he will always make me laugh through the pain, will always keep me going, and understand me, and wipe away my tears, and lead me toward the person I strive to be.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad, because he will always make me laugh through the pain, will always keep me going, and understand me, and wipe away my tears.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad, because he will make always make me laugh through the pain, will always keep me going, and understand me.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad, because he will always make me laugh through the pain, will always keep me going.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad, because he will always make me laugh through the pain.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad, because he will always make me laugh.
I think about the way I care about him, because he is my dad.
I think about the way I care about him.
This is dedicated to my amazing dad! Happy Father's day!


好女儿, 好父亲! -雨濛濛- 给 雨濛濛 发送悄悄话 雨濛濛 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2012 postreply 12:38:20

How touching! How old is your daughter? -Gardenia_On_The_Bay- 给 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 发送悄悄话 Gardenia_On_The_Bay 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2012 postreply 19:43:08

12 -Frankie1211- 给 Frankie1211 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 06/18/2012 postreply 20:36:33
