
  • http://www.plannedparenthood.org/parents/talking-kids-about-sex-sexuality-37962.htm

    What Are Some Questions Preschoolers Ask?

    Preschoolers ask very basic questions. Here are examples of how we might answer some of them.

    Q. How do babies get in your tummy? 
    A. When a woman has a baby in her tummy, it is called a pregnancy. Women have tiny eggs in a special part of their tummy. Men have very tiny seeds. Sometimes, when a man and a woman have sex together, the man puts his penis in the woman’s vagina. They can start a pregnancy if one of his seeds comes out his penis and joins with one of the eggs in her body. Do you have any other questions about that?

    Q. What's that? (pointing to a woman's breast, or other body parts.) 
    A. That's a breast. Women have breasts. Men don't. Would you like to know anything else about that?

    Q. How come I have a penis and you don't? 
    A. Boys have penises and girls have vulvas. I'm a woman — a girl who is all grown up — so I have a vulva instead of a penis. And you're a boy, so you have a penis instead of a vulva.

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    What Are Some Questions Elementary Schoolers Ask?

    Here are a few examples of questions elementary school-aged kid commonly ask and some possible answers:

    Q. Is it okay to touch yourself? 
    A. Sure, it's okay. It feels good to touch ourselves, but we should only touch ourselves in private.

    Q. How do people get AIDS? 
    A. AIDS is caused by a tiny germ called HIV. The germ hides in people’s blood. It can also hide in the fluids that come out of men’s penises and women’s vaginas. And it can hide in a woman’s breast milk. That’s why people can get HIV from people who have it in different ways. They can get it by having sex with them or by sharing needles with them to do drugs. Babies can get it from mothers who have it in their milk. The good thing is that most people can avoid getting AIDS by using condoms when they have sex. You cannot get AIDS just by being around someone who has it. Is there anything else you want to know about AIDS?

    Q. Do boys have periods? 
    A. No. Only women have periods. What do you know about periods?

    Q. What does "gay" mean? 
    A. Some people are attracted to people of the same sex. They are called gay. People who are attracted to people of the other sex are called straight. People who are attracted to both sexes are called bisexual. Do you have other questions about that?

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    What Are Some Questions Teens Commonly Ask?

    As kids grow and become teenagers, they ask more complex questions. Here are some common questions that they ask and some possible answers: 

    Q. How do you know when puberty is over? 
    A. It can be hard to tell. Some people don’t experience all the changes that happen during puberty until they’re 20 years old. But it can end earlier than that. Do you have other questions about puberty?

    Q. How big will my breasts get? 
    A. It depends. Breasts come in all sizes, shapes, and colors. And when they're developing, they change all the time. Breasts can range from small to enormous. Whether yours are lemons or grapefruits, they're normal.

    Q. Is it true that a girl can't get pregnant the first time she has sex? 
    A. No, that's not true. If you're having vaginal intercourse and not using condoms or other birth control, you can get pregnant — whether it's the first time or the one hundred and first time. That's why most people use birth control the first time they have sex.

    Q. What's the best birth control method? 
    A. Different methods of birth control are best for different people. That's why it's important to learn about each method of birth control so you can choose the one that best for you. (Teens who are thinking about birth control might find it helpful to use My Method.)

    Q. Should people have sex if they're in love? 
    A. Not necessarily. Sex is just one part of a whole relationship. It's just one way to express love. Choosing to be in a sexual relationship is a big decision. There's a lot to think about. And two people can love each other very much without having sex. Do you think you’re in love?

    Q. Does it hurt to lose your virginity? 
    A. Some women experience pain the first time they have vaginal intercourse. That’s because they may have a hymen in the opening of their vaginas that gets stretched open during first intercourse and may cause pain and bleeding. Guys do not have hymens, so this is not an issue for them. Do you have other questions about virginity?


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