Great article! This topic really touches the deep down of my ner

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回答: 优秀亚裔都是“纸老虎”?大有庄人2011-06-24 13:30:45

I shared the exact same thought with you. As a mom of 7 years old boy, building the confidence is far more important and hard for both parents like us, immigrants from foreign country and our kids with foreign background.

I can tell that the parents in this forum spend too much time discussing the academic matters, but not much for sharing how to improve the social skills for both parents and kids. I also saw the same scene that some chinese kids are left out at group activities in school, that is such a painful feeling and I believe spending majority of time and effort for kid's social skill (and for myself) is more important than pushing them academically.

Don't get me wrong. I know a lot of kids with foreign background are very confident, but there are many kids as the article mentioned need to be guided and helped.
