:((( 你先闪, 我保证再闪一次,够意思吧?

来源: occupied 2011-01-05 14:25:52 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (0 bytes)
回答: did not see yours, soeric_in_chicago2011-01-05 14:18:48


lady first!!!! -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (48 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 14:40:20

Nope. I don't want to give others the impression that -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (44 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 14:44:01

if so, -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (80 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 14:51:51

Do I owe you? LOL -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (2866 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 14:54:03

YA~~~~~ occupied MM,这次麻烦贴大张一点的啊~~~~:)) -粉蜡笔- 给 粉蜡笔 发送悄悄话 粉蜡笔 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 15:17:44

YA~~~~~ 你来得好及时啊:))其实昨天那个照片挺大的, 被WXC缩了 -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (89 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 15:24:39

来不及啦~~~~帖子没了~~~55555~~~等你今晚的啦~~~~:)) -粉蜡笔- 给 粉蜡笔 发送悄悄话 粉蜡笔 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 15:35:44

今晚还不一定啦~~~~ERIC GG 还没接话:) -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 15:42:32

哇,我也等着。。哈哈。到时候通知我下哦。哈哈 -幼时蓝精灵- 给 幼时蓝精灵 发送悄悄话 幼时蓝精灵 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 17:46:20

I am here waiting for you. -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:14:35

There is still half an hour...the key is, simultaneously -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:29:25

you do not have to wait -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (78 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:31:53

I will follow the schedule too -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (74 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:39:24

快闪吧, 期待ing... -轻风雅雅- 给 轻风雅雅 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:42:21

Is it OK I cancel this? -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (37 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:49:32

咣当~~~don't ask me. ask the audience -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (27 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:54:12

Eric言而无信,会被群众唾弃的~~~~:)) -粉蜡笔- 给 粉蜡笔 发送悄悄话 粉蜡笔 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:58:17

不好意思,让大家失望了。 -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (122 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 20:06:39

再咣当~~~谁给谁下的套啊。我在套里呢! -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 20:27:09

没有啊,本来想私下看看,你不愿意, -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (48 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 20:34:17

算了,不跟你纠缠不清了。群众的眼睛是雪亮的 -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 20:37:47

呵呵~没关係,大家可以等~~~那就期待你的游记啦~~:)) -粉蜡笔- 给 粉蜡笔 发送悄悄话 粉蜡笔 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/06/2011 postreply 06:29:21

ok, cancel it. -eric_in_chicago- 给 eric_in_chicago 发送悄悄话 eric_in_chicago 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:59:08

帅锅, 拿出点勇气吧. -轻风雅雅- 给 轻风雅雅 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 19:59:37

我给他示范了。MM们都来了,我不能不厚道。 -occupied- 给 occupied 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/05/2011 postreply 20:05:52



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