
来源: 走马读人 2011-09-25 12:40:51 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (4568 bytes)

Sometimes, 远走才能高飞.

Here is an imagined conversation by several people, living and dead,male and female.

M: Ah, is it you!? I mentioned you by the word special in my article.

E: Not really. How about G?

G: I can not say a word, the nether rigion is where I am.

(talks to himself: why I am here? it is so dark and so lonely.) 

M: G is physically weak but precocious in theory, depression caused his tragedy.

E: What a shock! I remember that I damaged his quilt and did not pay his loss, that shows his character,soft to others.

Z:  You did another time? I protected you once. Let me divine by his name: he tends to go to extremes, more or less influenced by his name, although that is only superficial, it still gives us some clue.

S: I rebelled against you although we share the last name, why?

Z (smiles) Let the bygones be bygones.

M: Teacher Z, You did well by your strong will for surviving that kind of torture, by this standard, you are the winner, so glad you have lived a long age. Remember Y, he even did not have the courage to accept a lesser criticism, what a cowered guy! Your poem helps to balance your mind too. So sad teacher Y did not survive.

E: Yes, literatures includes poem are wings for our spiritual soaring, otherwise one will become a sear and yellow leaf quickly.

G: One false step brings everlasting grief...

E: We will remember you dearly. Your smiling face lives in my mind.

G: Thanks! But how is life treating you?

E: Well, my fortune treats me pretty well, Compare to M and G, I might say my life has a tint of both.远走才能高飞, my turning point is with this saying. Otherwise I might be in a dire situation myself. I have to admit, that I am not a strong character.

M: Without several changes I might be a nobody today. 

G: 远走高飞, a nice saying, but I just could not, the boss don'l let me leave.

Z; Maybe it is my fault, we did not teach this in our school but less important staff only. I myself was in the same strait jaket, they suppressed me for two decades, had I not be in this area, I would have achieved much more. I envy you, yong men.

G: The system made me go to extremes.

E: I found out strait situation is everywhere. Even one can't escape his surounding, he can not go far, but with siritual high, he is already free from his cell, by hight he wins space, by spirit, he wins physically, by unlimited imagination he can surmound every difficulty, which is limited in some sense. 远走才能高飞, in a reversed way is 高飞才能远走.

M: Me share a same view point on an important term, it prooved we were right. We need to discard a load on our mind, sometimes make a sacrifice.

Z: Good! You still have a long way to go, my students, best wishes to you!

M: 远走高飞, wish we fly even higher!

E: 远走高飞, I, like G,Z, will have my small but meaningful contribution.

G: 远走高飞. We will meet and talk at a higher altitude. Bye.

S: 远走? 高飞? Come back with us, please!

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