Unfortunately you have been misled by the media

50% of the sickest of the sickest late-stage prostate cancer patients have lived 4 months and longer. Some have lived more than 9 years and to this date.

Bear in mind Dendreon still has 100% world-wide right to Provenge. Few small biotech companies can achieve what DNDN has achieved so far. Dendreon will most likely follow the path of DNA and become a division of Roche. If any other big pharm wants DNDN, it has to go hostile and pay a high price to swallow the entire company.

Why trade? DNDN will hit $150 by the end of 2011.


In addition to the approval, -SHGuy- 给 SHGuy 发送悄悄话 (54 bytes) () 04/29/2010 postreply 10:36:06
