If you want to know how ABS feels like...

来源: Lyedge 2010-12-02 19:18:52 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (532 bytes)
回答: you sure that it was not due to ABS?心字头上一把刀2010-12-02 18:33:29

Find a safe place, get to some good speed, then brake as hard as you can.  If you're not sure if ABS has happened, do it again - except brake twice as hard as the first time.  Brake as if you want to hurt the car (don't worry, you can't hurt the car).  Then you'll (he'll) know if it's ABS.  I agree with maoshua, this sounds like ABS.  Honda is not that great, but a 2010 Civic can't be that bad.  Does this happen at the northern parts of the country where it's getting pretty cold these days?



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