英文版: 学中文的十大理由

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10. Everybody else is doing it!
Chinese has become the third most popular language taught in the USA, just behind English and Spanish. Chinese is the fastest-growing language studied in the US. Enrollment in college Chinese language courses is at an all-time high. With so many people learning Chinese, if you don't learn it, you will just simply fall behind in competing with them.

9. Learning Chinese makes you smarter!
By learning a foreign language, you keep your brain cells alive and active. Research indicates that knowing and using two languages boost brain development in children and reduces the chances of developing dementia, including Alzheimer's Disease, in adults. In this regard, learning Chinese is especially effective. Individual Chinese characters are treated as pictures and are processes by your right brain. So each time when you deal with Chinese charcters, your right brain is stimulated. A Japanese research group even believes this is part of the reason why people in east Asia are smarter. In addition, your critical thinking skills will be improved as you learn to view things through a different len when you learn a foreign language.

8. Learning Chinese now will earn you some easy credits and save you money in college.
Every major universities and Ivy schools are offering Chinese for students to take for credits. Many high schools also offer Chinese as an AP course. If you learn Chinese well now, it will be easy for you to earn those AP credits and take them with you into college. In this way, you will save time and money.

7. China's economy is booming.
As one of the greatest powers of the world, China currently has the second largest economy in the world. With 1/5 of world's population lives in there, China has become one of the largest markets and most important trading partners with the US. Over 16,000 US companies sell products in China. These US companies need professionals with Chinese speaking skills to build links with Chinese companies, form partnerships with Chinese companies, and market, brand, and sell products to the Chinese. Learning Chinese gives you a competitive edge in the job markets and opens more career opportunities for you.

6. 1.3 billion people speak Chinese. Learn Chinese will truly expand your universe.
According to Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein, "the limits of my language are the limits of my universe." There is no doubt that learning Chinese will expand your own personal universe. Chinese is used by 1.3 billion people in China and millions of people outside of China. There are more people speaking Chinese than English. It's the number one spoken language in the world. 1.3 billion, that's right! Talk about having access to a greater social and professional network! Can you think of one other activity that could possibly open up more doors than learning Chinese?

5. Knowing Chinese will transform your travel experience.
While it is certainly possible to travel to a China without knowing any Chinese, your trip will in no way compare with the incredible adventure that awaits the traveler who speaks Chinese. If you only speak English, you will be forced to confine yourself to popular tourist resorts where nearly everyone speaks some English. But if you want to explore the area and get to know the local people, you need to know Chinese. Even simple things, such as reading signs and menus, asking directions or telling a cab driver where you want to go requires some knowledge of the language. Simply put, when you travel to a Chinese speaking place, knowing the language will allow you to move from the role of observer to that of an active participant.

4. Learning Chinese will allow you to better appreciate Chinese culture of 5000 years old.
Poetry, literature, music, arts, Chinese zodiac, Kung Fu and delicious cusines?, there is no more certain way to gain insight into the brilliant Chinese culture of 5000 years than learning Chinese. Many of the features and flavors are uniqe to Chinese culture and are lost when translated.

3. Learning Chinese is fun!
Learning Chinese opens up lots of opportunities to have more fun. If you know both English and Chinese, you'll have twice as many choices and twice fun. By knowing both languages, you'll get to enjoy the best of both worlds. For all of the reasons mentioned above, and a whole lot that haven't been mentioned, learning Chinese can be one of the most enjoyable things you will ever do. Whether your motivations are practical, intellectual or sentimental, learning Chinese is something that will benefit you for the rest of your life!

2. Your parents and your folks in China want you to learn Chinese.
In addition to all the other general reasons, as a child born into a family with Chinese heritage, you have an extra compelling reason to learn Chinese: your mom, your dad, your grand parents and all your other folks in China want you to learn this language well. Your grandmas, grandpas and your cousins all love you and want to know how you are doing and what you are thinking. Wouldn't it be nice next time when you receive a nice gift from your grand parents, you can tell them how much your like it? Wouldn't it be nice next time when you visit China, you can understand what your folks are saying each time your name is mentioned? Your parents can survive in this country and arrive where they are now mainly because they know English in addition to their native language. They know from their own experience how much a second language can do for them and how much joy knowing both Chinese and English can bring to them. Therefore, when your parents push you to learn Chinese, they are just trying to to ensure that you'll have a chance to get what they think is the best for you.

1. Because it is not as hard as you think to learn Chinese.
That's right. Learning Chinese is not as hard as you think. Compared with English and Spanish, Chinese has very simple grammar rules and a relatively small vocabulary is required to achieve fluent speaking and reading. Knowing only 1000 common Chinese characters, you can read 90% of articles written in Chinese and knowing 2500 characters can allow you to understand 99% of all Chinese articles. It is the handwriting of Chinese characters that makes learning Chinese so daunting. Fortunately, in this computer age, you don't have to solely rely on handwriting any more. A lot of computer programs can help you type your thoughts into a computer. With the right approach and good learning materials, studying Chinese is easy. As a child in a Chinese immigrant family, learning Chinese is particularly easy, since you have your parents as your personal tutors to help you 24/7, free of charge and you get to visit China from time to time. Now you know that learning Chinese is extremely important, fun and easy. It is up to you to master this language!



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