retin A抗皱吗?

来源: 爱厨也爱苗条 2009-12-16 07:34:38 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1796 bytes)
我的朋友用Retin A cream 0.025%有几年了,每晚洗脸后30分钟,开始时每周用2次,回来每晚用,对抗皱很有效。但每天擦revenue 50+ sunscreen。我也想试试。查了一下网上的信息:

Dosage: 0.05 % Cream 45gms/tube
Price: $146.46
Note: Retin-A is a prescription skin care treatment. Prices may vary depending on the company that sells this product.
3 main uses of Retin-A:
- Topical treatment of acne.
- Treatment to visible signs of aging and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and age spots.
- Can be used as a topical tretinoin to help enhance the effects on minoxidil hair loss treatment.
- This product is a prescription product.
- Retin-A is costly.
- There are feedbacks that it can irritate the skin.
- It will not work well on sensitive skin.
- It can cause extreme sensitivity to sunlight
- It contains antioxidants.
- It is effective in reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
- This product can treat acne and can exfoliate dead skin cells.
- It is effective in reducing age spots.
Guarantee: Depends on the company that sells the product.
Conclusion: Retin-A is really effective in reducing fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and sun damage. But there are some major drawbacks in using this product. There are many claims that this product can irritate the skin and can make the skin more sensitive to sunlight. This product may not work on sensitive skin. And remember, this product is a prescription skin care treatment and it is a bit costly compared to other products than can be bought over-the-counter.
看来是有风险的,我是sensitive skin。我想在手上先试,再在额头上找一小块试。想多听听大家的体会。
By the way, 我45, 没有Acne。


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