I Call It Love


Look At You
You Look At Me
(You Can't Help It You're Feeling Butterflies)
Its obvious,
We have Chemistry
(I think I know it cuz it feels so right)
Girl I wanted so long to know
Now Your telling me you gotta let it go
(Dont Tell Me I have to start all over again)
I Never thought that this day would come
(This is somthing that i've wanted in my life)
I relize that you're the one
(and you're telling me its time to say goodbye)
To Put this out of my heart It ain't gonna change
So it shouldn't be so easy to walk away
(You feel it I feel it lets not be tense)

Baby, I Don't Know What Love Is
Maybe I'm A Fool
I Just Know What I'm Feeling
And It's All Because Of You
Don't Tell Me
I Don't Know
I Want The Truth
Cuz They Call It
We Call It
You Call It
I Call It Love

It's so clear for you to see
(dont let anybody tell you what to do)
Why they can't they just let us be happy
(i dont want to find somebody new)
If you know whats real in your heart
Then dont let them tear us apart
(Cuz you feel it I feel it Lets think this through)

Baby, I Don't Know What Love Is
Maybe I'm A Fool
I Just Know What I'm Feeling
And It's All Because Of You
Don't Tell Me
I Don't Know
I Want The Truth
Cuz They Call It
We Call It
You Call It
I Call It Love

We Have a bond thats unbreakable
And its not time to let it go
And now that we know its real
We are going to let it show
To the whole world
That I'm yours forever
and you're my girl

Baby, I Don't Know What Love Is
Maybe I'm A Fool
I Just Know What I'm Feeling
And It's All Because Of You
Don't Tell Me
I Don't Know
I Want The Truth
Cuz They Call It
We Call It
You Call It
I Call It Love
(Repeat 2)

They Call It Love
I Call it


这哥们对爱的定义跟我一样, 肚里飞蝴蝶就是了.... -叶泥泥- 给 叶泥泥 发送悄悄话 叶泥泥 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 14:02:41

哈哈哈,泥泥节日快乐.... -ERommel- 给 ERommel 发送悄悄话 ERommel 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 14:07:01

节日快乐! :D -叶泥泥- 给 叶泥泥 发送悄悄话 叶泥泥 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 14:16:25

nice!! -阿小饼- 给 阿小饼 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 14:31:54

节日快乐!! -ERommel- 给 ERommel 发送悄悄话 ERommel 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 17:20:48

唉...爱要怎麽说.... -笑比哭好- 给 笑比哭好 发送悄悄话 笑比哭好 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 20:09:43

哈哈,笑笑也被难住了? -ERommel- 给 ERommel 发送悄悄话 ERommel 的博客首页 (24 bytes) () 12/26/2009 postreply 20:12:22

回复:唉...爱要怎麽说....爱要这样说:“不能不说我爱你,我就在你身体里,傻样,7!”。 -大江川- 给 大江川 发送悄悄话 大江川 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 12/27/2009 postreply 10:16:10
