
We should use our head and not be fooled by some of the so called news. So far, there is no official news announcement from the Chinese government about the government will give that land away yet and we should not expect such announcement so fast either since it is a century old issue.

Thinking about result of the government had negotiated with Russia on the black bear island issue, we should strongly believe China should gain more in this case. It should be pointed out that Russia is much more powerful than India and China needs Russia in many aspects while India mostly has negative effects on China. If China can ask Russia for a large portion of that island occupied by Russian for more than 100 years already, the government will not easily give up on the Southern Tibet property.

A claim is only a claim. Everybody knows not all claimed area by China is China's original property, neither is the India's claims. Therefore, there must be some trade-off's. Even China can not get all the claimed property, as long as it is a fair deal we should not be so mad about it.

China is a big country and one of the five members of United Nation's Security Consul. The government can not act and speak like a lesser country. Therefore, even there is an official announcement, we should also read the hidden words between lines. Otherwise, what is about tactics played in the international politics? No government will tell the others about its tactics on some important issues that could cause potential conflicts. The same logic can be applied to N. Korean issue.
