I agree with "LoveBug" again --

回答: "lovebug" is right. If she never went to kindergarten,N.2009-10-31 21:55:50

"ask school district what evidence they need," and give them what they ask.

I think it is a good idea to do your best to persuade school board. You can consult a lawyer to see what option you have. However, I don't think it is a good idea to sue the school district as I believe it is much cheaper to send your daughter to a private school.

When I was trying to make decision whether to send my summer birthday boy, who just met the cutoff date, to K, I had him evaluated by an early education expert. She is not a psychologist. The process is quite painless to my son. (Some organization provides free service for this. I am not in CT.) Another question, if you think it is not good for your daughter to be evaluated by a specialist as she knows what is happening, won't be an even worse situation for her to repeat K while her friend goes to 1st grade? BTW, you can talk to your PD to see if she has any recommendations.

Good luck.


Thanks. It seems we have to send her to a private Kindergarten -理直气和- 给 理直气和 发送悄悄话 (509 bytes) () 11/04/2009 postreply 16:55:02
