Answer to one of your questions

来源: pieq314 2009-11-04 09:28:41 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (889 bytes)
"假如钱学森是生活在现在的一个中国人,而某一个地方的司法机关又怀疑他是美国的间谍,那么,他所遭受的待遇会不会和当年美国人对待他的非常不同呢?如果人们对他这个嫌疑犯采用“ 不让睡觉”,“不让什么什么”的中国特色办法对付时,我不知道他能够有什么样的反应。这还是相差接近六十年的事情。"

Something similar happened in reality. Fang Lizhi is the most famous scientist in China: his achievement includes getting the highest prize in his field, just one level below Nobel's Prize. He was accused of participating in June 4, 1989 (He did not). If he is caught, he would certainly go to jail.

In other words, 钱学森 would go to jail, and if possible, he would try every way to escape Mainland China.

By the way, while Fang can claim to be the best scientist from Mainland China, 钱学森 cannot make the same claim for being the best engineer, either in US or in China.



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