


Kosovo independence stirs UN Security Council debate (Roundup)

Feb 17, 2008, 19:46 GMT

New York - The United Nations Security Council met hurriedly Sunday within hours of the Serbian breakaway Kosovo's declaration of independence, but soon di*****anded because UN interpreters were not available and planned to return for informal discussion.

But diplomats cautioned that Sunday's meeting was to prepare for a formal meeting on Monday and the council was convened, at the request of Russia, to discuss procedures and not to issue immediately any position on Kosovo's secession from Serbia.

UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, who came for the meeting, left without making any statement.

US deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff told reporters that the United States was 'pleased' that what had happened in Kosovo was the implementation of the Martti Ahtisaari plan. He referred to the plan by the former Finnish president to give Kosovo an internationally supervised independence.

'We are not particularly concerned or see any dangers that we would worry about,' Wolff said in reply to a question whether other ethnic groups would also demand independence.

The United States and other Western governments in the council have rejected Russia's repeated warnings that granting or recognizing Kosovo as a full-fledged state would set a precedence for territories like Abkhazia, a white Russian-inhabited province in Georgia, to break from that nation.

The US said Kosovo was a 'unique' case that called for a special solution.

The meeting on Sunday was requested by Russia, but Russian diplomats declined to say what they planned to achieve in the urgent meeting.

Council members shook their heads when asked what kind of outcome they would expect from the council.

Of the Security Council's five permanent members with veto power, Russia and China oppose Kosovo's independence while the United States, France and Britain support it.

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic appeared before the council last Thursday to appeal for action to stop Kosovo from declaring independence. But the council took no action, saying the issue had to be dealt with by the European Union.

Jeremic said Belgrade intended to impose political, diplomatic and economic sanctions on Kosovo if it went ahead with independence.

'The Republic of Serbia shall not tolerate such an illegal act of secession,' Jeremic said. 'If forced to react beyond our control, our government and National Assembly will declare the actions of the authorities in Pristina null and void,' he said.

'And we shall undertake all diplomatic, political and economic measures designed to impede and reverse this direct and unprovoked attack on our sovereignty,' he said.
