spoiled food不可能在24 hour里长出幼虫。

来源: qtang 2008-09-27 15:47:17 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (502 bytes)
问过在实验室里专门养果蝇(very tiny one, usually been seen during the summer in the kitchen, if the garbage not been taken good care of) 的朋友,和她们实验室研究苍蝇的的人讨论过,spoiled food不可能在24 hour里长出幼虫。
如果您在苍蝇方面有研究,could please provide the research background or reference, that the spoiled food can grow larvae quickly, your finding will widely broaden their knowledge and promote their research.
And thank you very much for your kind attention to this matter.


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