NO USE. Guess they will be busy after 2/20

来源: cdcd90 2008-01-30 06:23:42 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (3550 bytes)
--Stop Lying about Reduction in FEEs--

"You asked, we listened" is the first line in Reduced Fees
Just wanted to know who they asked because the fees are now higher. I don't think any seller wants higher fees unless they are getting Ebay stock options.

Just like last year when they raised fees by saying rebalancing store and auction... A FEE HIKE IS A FEE HIKE...

The only people they are hurting is good sellers that have FREE shipping since the higher Final Value Fee is paid by them. How about reducing fees for Free shipping or just keep it at the 5.25% and raise it for the rest - We are paying more anyways. Every bad seller will keep the price just at $1 and adjust the shipping and handling. ALL the FREE shippers will be out of business. Thanks Ebay! Great

Buyers will only be able to receive positive Feedback. What are they thinking!?

FEEDBACK changes is horrible if you are a seller. If you sold anything on ebay for 1000 feedback or more you will know there are bad buyers out there just messing around to give perfect ebay sellers a negative. NOW there is no defense! No more 100% sellers. Why provide service if any buyer having a bad day can take it out on you without any warning. No more negative for even the worst Buyers! You have money you can give negative. What!?

You mean I can't even give a negative when a buyer purposely gave me a WRONG ADDRESS and I lost postage and product.

You mean a buyer can use the item and then demanded money back or negative feedback is left.

EBAY is over unless Investors stop this. Balance of power goes to a few bad buyers. I can go to ebay and spend $1000 and just hand out hundreds of negative feedback for fun. They can't even give me a negative as long as I paid. Without negative bad buyers will stay on ebay and hand out negative for fun and also getting the products they wanted so they don't lose anything. People will chose to go to Amazon or overstock for good service after seeing negatives even on powersellers that were 100% before.

Bad Buyers will never get suspended as long as they paid!

I think with $100,000,000 any big competitor of ebay can take out most of the sellers on ebay. They should be able to leave 1-5 million negative feedbacks to ruin every good seller out there. Ebay would be over since sellers will be suspended or just quit working hard.

Example x1000000:
--Slow shipper - Wanted it today - Negative feedback!
--Works great but can be better - Negative feedback!
--Didn't send shipment info - Negative feedback!
--Didn't leave me feedback immediately - Negative feedback!
--You get the picture - Negative feedback!

Ebay can't even suspend them because they paid!

INVESTORS should call and demand feedback that has worked for 10+ years to keep the system that has proven itself. They are trying something new and I think you will pay for it.

This is worst then the FEE hike. I rather pay 15% to ebay then give up my RIGHTS as a seller to give a bad seller what a they deserve!

Just a bunch of employees and no seller among them thinking about feedback they don't give or get! Of course if you are a buyer and you are an ebay employee you will follow the feedback rules and not give negative without cause. BUT THINK! What if you are not an ebay employee which most Buyers are or even worst an Ebay Hater!

Im done... No more service... Ebay hurting the best sellers again and again and again.


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