News about donations and Oversea Chinese impact

来源: happyinca 2008-05-20 10:55:35 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1653 bytes)
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Aid group World Vision said Chinese employees in U.S. companies might also be playing a part.

"There are a growing number of Chinese employees in U.S. corporations, and companies want to show their employees that they care," said Randy Strash, World Vision's strategy director for emergency response. Strash noted that the influence and income of Chinese-Americans is steadily growing and their support is evident in the current crisis.

Disaster relief group Mercy Corps says donations for the China earthquake have surpassed expectations - particularly from people with direct or ancestral ties to China.

"We've seen a robust response, especially from the Chinese Diaspora," said Mercy Corps Communications Director Jeremy Barnacle, who said the organization has raised over $1 million from corporations and individuals for the disaster. He estimates that total will eventually reach $10 million.

According to the U.S.-China Business Council, 79 of its 250 members have donated more than $30 million to the cause as of Friday. That includes many major corporations that have decided to match their employees' donations for the disaster.

"Corporations are giving more vigorously to China, because they have economic ties to the country, whereas Myanmar is more isolated," said Oko.



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