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回答: Response to 也谈谈六四和良心 -sesame45-安贝儿2007-03-06 08:44:07

1. 学生开始要求是正当的。但是,后来演变成了暴乱:阻挡戒严部队执行任务,抢军帽,砸军车,抢枪支。六四是暴乱,有问题吗?那幅螳臂当坦克的照片你没有看到过?你想过没有,那时在阻挡执行命令的戒严部队!

---------whie, these is always two sides, like I said, the smaller voices also deserve to be heard.

2. 你怎么知道“The only thing he had to do is to admit the nature of 64 was indeed contra-revolutionary. ”?事情这么简单?你太幼稚了,也太听信某些别有用心的人的话了。

-------Maybe. But General Lee from Civil war was a president of a University, so my question is for Wan, why not? And if not, what does that say about the officials in China?

3. "who stood up for the value of deceased students?" If this can be a question, then we can ask more as follows:
who stood up for the value of deceased soldiers (both sides) in WWII?
--------There were numerous movies and books.

who stood up for the value of deceased KMD soldiers in the civil war?
--------I thought they were paid soldiers.

hehe, thanks for your reply. i just had to say what i had to say. i guess it was the same for you. my plate is pretty full right now, so this is my last response today.
who stood up for the value of deceased ......?


Same for me. You are right here. I have to say what I have to sa -永不认输- 给 永不认输 发送悄悄话 (118 bytes) () 03/06/2007 postreply 09:37:07

OK, i break my promise. -安贝儿- 给 安贝儿 发送悄悄话 安贝儿 的博客首页 (494 bytes) () 03/06/2007 postreply 09:44:03

Bye -永不认输- 给 永不认输 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/06/2007 postreply 09:50:17
