I think the daycare should pay the bill.

However, you really need to do more homework to convince the judge that calling ambulance is necessary. E.g., your daughter cannot cry out right away for a minute, then cried inconsolably. (The fact that you went to ask deposit back before you called 911 might damage your case. The justification could be that "you did not think your daughter hurt badly, till you become panic that she did not stop crying.") Calling ambulance when back of the head hit ground hard is quite justified. When your daughter is in daycare, the daycare is responsible to certain extent of the injuries. Normally, daycare has insurance for this.

I am not a lawyer and have no experience. I do think you have a case; but you have to be well prepared before you go to court. There are books on how to win in small claim court. You may also want to consult a real lawyer.

Good luck.


回复:Actually I went to the office to tell them what happened and -想家了吗- 给 想家了吗 发送悄悄话 (190 bytes) () 11/29/2007 postreply 18:39:15
