Help with BBS or Small Claims Court please! Thanks

In December I couldn't set my alarm system so I called the alarm company. I told her the panel says A/C failure and she tried to run test from the office but it wouldn't work. Then she sent a technician to my house. He found the outlet was dead but he couldn't fix it. So he asked me to call an electrician. He was very clumsy so I called the office again to see if they could send another guy. The lady said she'll have to charge me a service fee so I just hired an electrician to fix the problem. Now I received a bill of $120 for the service fee. I talked to the company but they wouldn't waive it. I siged a two year contract with them and they told me the first year servce is free. If they had told me there would be a charge, I wouldn't have asked them to come. Their argument is there was nothing wrong with the alarm system. The problem was with the electric outlet. However, that outlet was used only with the alarm's adapter. I never knew it was for the alarm since it was plugged in with Don't Remove words written on it until the tech came. Also I paid for new equipment so they should have changed a new adapter but they didn't(I didn't know until December). I think it's really not fair. The company threatened to send the bill to collection so I want to complain in the BBS or small claims court but I don't know how much it will cost to go to court. As to the BBS, I just found out the owner had two other alarm business with BBS but the office handling mine was not listed there. However, the phone number and the onner are the same. Do you think it will work if I complain to BBS? Or should I go to Small Claims Court? thanks a lot.


Waiting for input and advice, please help -cielo- 给 cielo 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2007 postreply 10:34:25

没什么好说的, 百十刀付款了事, 去SC也很难说就能免付, -stp- 给 stp 发送悄悄话 (47 bytes) () 01/22/2007 postreply 11:57:56

买个保险吧,下次他们就不会管你要钱了 -梦中游魂- 给 梦中游魂 发送悄悄话 梦中游魂 的博客首页 (0 bytes) () 01/22/2007 postreply 12:29:53
