回复:Daoluan and Goog...

来源: seabird58 2007-07-19 18:54:54 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (697 bytes)
If 跟风者 can not 跑她一样快, they should not follow him.

DL did not ask them to folow him or 跑 slowly.
It is up to 跟风者 to buy or sell. DL can not control their brain or account.

DL only told people what price Goog will be in the future, he did not say "Goog will be 589 before or after OE.

DQ is a free forem, DL has his right to say anything about his opinion, 跟风者 do not have to agree, DL did not force them to listen to him...

Therefore, it is not fair to complain about DL after he spent so much time to write/draw/post paragraphy/chart/message on DQ. He did not get paid for doing that. Nobody should not accuse him, no matter what.

Logical ?


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