you know something, you don't know something

来源: ohlalala 2007-03-18 03:14:39 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (1841 bytes)
回答: 回复:回复:哟,进来碰一雷锋了ohlalala2007-03-17 18:20:34
first of all, i excuse you for using offensive words in the discussion because in my mind that's the sign of being coward.

secondly, probably u should open ur eyes and learn something new in this world. microsoft, adobe and hollywood are not the only companies/industries in this world. windows? who needs windows? there are tons of others out there for FREE and they are better than windows. tell u a few because obviously u haven't heard about them, solaris, *bsds, linux, beos, minix,... photoshop? have u ever heard about gimp? office? how about and koffice? free movies? yes, there are free movies. you just don't know unfortunately. do u know something about public domain and have u ever used google video?

do i share my free software with people? sure, i do. i not only share them with people, but also share the source code with people. know what gpl and bsd license are? what about Sun Industry Standards Source License? have u ever heard about

talking about "cracked" commercial software? i know crackers and keygenerators. i know name a software u know, 90% of chances that u can find the crack/keygenerator there. but try it first. sure i know and know how to search 'cause i happened to be in that industry for some time.

u know there's no free lunch in this world. very good. then ask urself why they put those pirated/cracked commercial software there for free download and why somebody like u encourages ppl to go there and use them. don't fool urself.

indeed, i wasn't here 5 years ago. luckily, i was not. who was that guy named SS? i don't know. could be u but certainly not me because i've never encouraged ppl to download/use "free" commercial software here. makes sense to you?

ok, free education is over.


回复:you know something, you don't know something -samkee007- 给 samkee007 发送悄悄话 (3153 bytes) () 03/18/2007 postreply 09:38:14

i said free education is over, didn't i? -ohlalala- 给 ohlalala 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/18/2007 postreply 13:12:41

呵呵,知识是客观的,犯不着生气 -butdie- 给 butdie 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 03/18/2007 postreply 21:33:03



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