My son has the same problem. I put a password on

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my computer so he has to ask for permission only on weekends to play games online. I took away his Ninetendo DS last year after he didn't do well at school. He had the same problem. He was in accelerated class in both math and English class in 6th grade. So he got the game as an award. Then he couldn't control himself and for 7th grade he couldn't got in all three accelerated classes at all. So he learned a lesson too and I took away his games. This year in his 8th grade he's got all As except one A-. Still he tried to play Conquer online. I asked friends here how to add a password on my computer and with their help, I lock the computer. For boys you have to be strict and push them. They are not like girls or some boys who are self disciplined.


回复:My son has the same problem. I put a password on -playxyzzz- 给 playxyzzz 发送悄悄话 (233 bytes) () 03/11/2006 postreply 09:33:03

Ask the mom to sit next to him when he does the homework -Cielo- 给 Cielo 发送悄悄话 (182 bytes) () 03/11/2006 postreply 12:01:19
