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来源: thrawn 2006-09-20 13:58:42 [] [博客] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (2397 bytes)
to Chinese Simplified.

Now, in the SanGuoZhi, Qin Shi, and a few others, I read that only when ZGL reached 祁山 and the three county of 天水、安定、南安三郡皆叛魏应亮 did 魏明帝曹睿遣大将军曹真督关右诸军,驻眉县。令右将军张合率五万步骑增援陇上.

街亭——古地名,又叫街泉亭、街城,秦岭西边,现在甘肃省秦安县陇城镇 which is north of 天水市: 35,106 coordinate. This is also north of 祁山 where ZGL started.

Zhao Yun is at 箕谷 which is at the north of 陕西省勉县褒城. While Cao Zhen is at at 眉县 which is to the north of Zhao Yun. This is the diversion force. This is all south and southeast of Tian Shui. The map here will show you:

Since there are 3 road to Chang An, one which Zhao Yun took as diversion. The other is too narrow and hard to travel (ZGL rejected Wei Yan's idea of using this). Then the last one was to travel West toward past Tian Shui and at 渭水之西 which is the 陇山道.

Remember, Ma Su got there BEFORE Zhang He. All he needs to do is to set up a camp (by the way, from SanGuoZhi, there were already a castle there so calvary isn't going to help Zhang He if he couldn't breach its castle defense) which would block Zhang He's approach through Jie Ting and DEFEND against his attacks. But he wanted more than just defense so he camped at 南山 to ATTACK Zhang He. That was against ZGL's intention. ZGL already setup reinforcement at various points south of Jie Ting for Ma Su in case he needs more troops to DEFEND. But he didn't know that Ma Su dare to isolate himself on top of 南山. Ma Su went against ZGL's intention of using Jie Ting and therefore sabotaged the rest of ZGL's plan of using this 3rd road to reach Chang An.

I believe the rest why ZGL camped at 祁山 was because he fear that Wei would use the 陈仓渭水道 to attack his flank if he move north to fully engage Zhang He at Jie Ting. As Zhao Yun also did lost to Cao Zhen, the situation doesn't look too good if ZGL gamble on defeating Zhang He solely and leave 陈仓渭水道 poorly guarded nor can he forget that Cao Zhen might take advantage and march North West toward his flank if he do so. It is a big gamble and he is very cautious. Therefore he retreated before he could be flanked. That is a wise decision considering the risk he would face if he did choose to attack Zhang He to regain Jie Ting.

What do you think?


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