回复:一月份在best buy 买了冰箱和洗衣机,当时办了一个卡,一直

Normally you should not have to pay for the financial charge since you moved, but it will be a lot easier if you keep the ticket/issue/case number for the call you made, so they can trace the log.
$220 is not the worst part, it is about your credit! They have the right to report your case for a bad credit history, once your credit history is damaged, it's very hard to fix it. If you didn't make any payment over a year, most likely you already have bad credit, I suggest you to get a credit report ASAP.

Another thing, everytime when you move, you should notify your local Post Office so they can forward your mail, good for 3 month, but you may renew the service. This is free of charge. Most of time, the forward works very well, if the mail cannot be forward, then they will notify the sender for your new mailing address. If you have this mail forward service, then you should not have problem receiving mail.
