
来源: usagi 2006-02-27 14:02:24 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (845 bytes)
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depends on her age

if she is a minor then there might be something you can play around with, hire a lawyer, legal rep. to deal with this.

but seems like she has already appleaded guilty with allegations according to what you wrote.

doesnt matter what the personal says, because she can be charged, which according to what you wrote, you will be served soon.

hire a lawyer and do some plead, and see if there are other options. based on the amount of evdience

she can be charged with Theft $299 or less, Class B Mis if it is higher than that, then she will probably serve time, see if your lawyer can go light with the plead, because most of the time, if the person is not minor, the charges can be pretty high, based on the amount of the valuable been taken charges can range from Mis Theft or Shoplift .


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