大跌在既, 今天也许是最后的逃命机会.

来源: 逸民 2006-09-08 12:25:52 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (1404 bytes)
对DQ来说我是新来的. 过去两个月我只看不贴. 从个位的文章中我受益非浅. 今天也说两句算是对大千的一点回馈.


1. S&P 500 从7/17 在1231见底后已连涨了六周, 向上的动力已耗尽. 在9/5 S&P 1313 Top off. 你可以从最近的 K 线和Price/volume action得到证实.

2. 领涨的Sectors such as SEMI, 金融股开始推缩. NVDA/SNDK/RIMM/AMD/BRCM fail to make further advance and start to draw back significantly. SC/BSC/MS/JPM/WFC/GE already started to declie.

3. Q2 end and Q3 warning period just started. Already had several warnings from builder and retail sector.

4. Inflation fear and economy slow down warry surfing again.

The least resistance for next two weeks is down.

(Sorry 我中文打的很慢)

Today's rally is forming the double top pattern and next week
the major driving force will be on down side.

9/5 is the top we will no see it for long time from now.
(There are many detail TA to Identify 9/5's top and today's double top. But I can not list them all.)

至少要做好准备,以免重大的损失. Such as buy puts or 对冲.

Reverse fund QID is good way to protect your down side if you have bought QQQQ. QID is Ulta Share fund against NDX. Meaning when NDX down, QID will go up. 1:2 (2 times). You can buy it to short NDX. Just like you buy stock.

This is just my two cents.

Happy trading.



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