Buy on the weakness here

next week, everyone will talk about the FED comments made today: no need to raise interest rate from this level. and more:

the jump of 10 year bond yield did exactly what FED wanted to achieve.. if ECB and Japan are raising rate, the excessive cash will no long accessible and thus no need to do more rate hike.

Going to weekend, there are lots "nervousness": Iran, oil, and Bush visiting Pakistan and facing storm of protests....... But next week, everything will be fine. Typical wall street BS.

Sold all my positive already when QQQQ hit 42. will take some positive back if NDX is able to hold above 1690.


快见顶了 -大乌鸦嘴- 给 大乌鸦嘴 发送悄悄话 (131 bytes) () 03/03/2006 postreply 12:40:26
