Market may have another up day after today

This is the beginning of the historically best month... If history is on bulls' side, we may see two up days at least.

Semi is very strong today. Like I said yesterday, even NAZ had big down day yesterday, techs like CSCO, INTC and TXN were up. Today, they are even stronger. If semi leads the market up, bulls have their good time.

Good luck.


回复:Market may have another up day after today -ysy-ysy- 给 ysy-ysy 发送悄悄话 (125 bytes) () 03/01/2006 postreply 09:00:08

naz will all the way to 2300 for sure -stockmaster- 给 stockmaster 发送悄悄话 (14 bytes) () 03/01/2006 postreply 09:04:01

already 2308 -StockMaster- 给 StockMaster 发送悄悄话 (45 bytes) () 03/01/2006 postreply 09:07:03
