When is the right time to start piano (or other instruments) les

来源: Passerby 2005-11-23 07:07:10 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (2900 bytes)
This is one of the FAQs. I saw this article on a commercial website of a music studio. It makes sense to me. I hope it would help the parents who are making the decision on when to start their kids' music lessons. The following is just an excerpt. If you would like to read everything on their site, here is the URL: http://www.musicgarden.biz/Get%20the%20most.html

---The ZTer

• What is the Right Age to Start?

Adults can start any instrument at any time. Their success is based on how willing the adult is to commit to practicing. We have taught beginning students in their 60s, 70s and beyond. It’s never too late to start playing music, if you really want to.

For children, starting at the right age, with the right instrument or program is the key to the success of their lessons. Certain cognitive and physical abilities tend to develope at certain ages. A child’s music instruction needs to take this into consideration. Also, it is imperative that the child-student have an instrument of appropriate size and style. (For guidelines on purchasing an instrument see purchasing your first instrument, below.)

The following are guidelines we have found to be successful in determining how young a child can start taking music lessons.

3-4 Years Old
Children in this age range tend to do well in a preschool music class, which will give them a good foundation in music basics and will be helpful in later applied (instrumental) lessons. Occasionally, if the child has a strong desire, the child is developmentally advanced, and the parent is very patient, instrument instruction can begin on a child sized instrument or piano. A 15 minute. private lessons works best for these ages.

5-7 Years Old
This is generally the youngest age we recommend to start music lessons on an instrument. Students of this age need lots of help from parents, and parents are usually required to attend classes with their child. The going is typically pretty slow at this age, but students who start this young may develope very advanced musical skills, if they continue lessons. Again, parents will need to be very patient with students this young. We offer guitar, violin, and piano for students of these ages with our vocal program beginning at the age of six.

This is an ideal time for children to start guitar, violin, piano, voice, or drum lessons. It is imperative that students have an instrument that is the right size for them, if they are to succeed. For these ages, parents are strongly encouraged to attend lessons with their children, although less so as the child ages.

13 years and up
Students 13 years of age or older can generally study any instrument they choose. In some cases, if the student is small for their age, a smaller (fractional) sized instrument may be necessary.



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