my schedule at high school

来源: NDMom 2005-11-08 12:06:44 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (861 bytes)
which was two decades ago, nowadays high school students in my hometown are not getting any better.
Some students got pschological illness due to high pressure.
I envy the students over here in the USA, they are busy with variety of activities.
Unlike us, nothing but study.
"Variety is the spice to life", they are busy, but I guess they all enjoy their life.

Around 6:00 am, get up and early morning group exercise

Then morning self-study

around 7:45? Breakfast

From 8:30 to 12:00 (approximate): Four classes

Lunch 1 hour ?

Back to classroom, two more classes

Again afternoon self-study

half an hour exercise (usually run in the track field)

study /study/study


Back to classroom

evening self-study

around 9:30 or 10 pm, the end of day.


现在国内也变了,VARIETY很多啊. -COLALA- 给 COLALA 发送悄悄话 COLALA 的博客首页 (137 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 12:15:05

I am talking about high school -NDMom- 给 NDMom 发送悄悄话 (135 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 12:17:07

哎,在美国一样很难的,进哈佛容易吗,我怎么看在这儿贴出来的 -colala- 给 colala 发送悄悄话 colala 的博客首页 (164 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 12:23:00

可不是嘛。 名校到我们那招生, 很多好转业都不招 -xxxxxxxxxx- 给 xxxxxxxxxx 发送悄悄话 xxxxxxxxxx 的博客首页 (59 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 12:31:51

是啊。 单调得。。。我一看见study 就怕。 和和。 -xxxxxxxxxx- 给 xxxxxxxxxx 发送悄悄话 xxxxxxxxxx 的博客首页 (70 bytes) () 11/08/2005 postreply 12:25:22
