Buy on dip?

来源: ntrader 2005-11-15 13:42:52 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 次 (764 bytes)
Market took a break today. Ironically, as much as wall street afraid of inflation and high energy price, PPI core rate came with negative, and oil fell below $57 and closed at 4 month low. And retail sales number came up better than expected. But Target issued warning...

Economic front is more clearer than a month ago.. The fall of energy price is very good news for everyone except oil guys. Market began to fall when it was not able to break DOW 10750 and SP 1235. I view today's retreat more of adjustment to the overbought condition, and option expiration may have also ployed a role.

Going forward, SP500 still has possibility to break 1253, or 1.5% rise from here. Buy on dips may be a good way to make money from now to the end of the year.


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