I don't think so.

I am not saying tirerack is wrong, their information is correct, the problem is how u are gonna drive ur car. put worn tire in front axle will reduce brakeing power, most people will not drive a car very fast during a heavy rain, but u will need full brakeing power all the time, and most time it is on dry surface, so u must make a choice: put new tire on rear so u won't hydroplan during a once-a-year-u-must-drive-really-fast-during-heavy-rain but lost brakeing effectiveness for most the time, or, put new tire on front so u can have almost full brakeing power all the time but must drive really careful during heavy rain, the choice is yours, but I rather put new tires on front.


I agree -134454654- 给 134454654 发送悄悄话 (78 bytes) () 08/08/2005 postreply 08:39:49

good point -2331543344- 给 2331543344 发送悄悄话 (0 bytes) () 08/08/2005 postreply 09:09:46
