Oh, by the way, to make

来源: noworry 2004-12-27 14:31:16 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (590 bytes)
回答: Look, our kids do not havenoworry2004-12-27 11:47:48
Christmas more excited, we decorate our house and Christmas tree with so many lights. It is so beautiful. We rapped all the presents we bought with little notes of “from mommy and daddy to our kids, and from daddy to mommy and mommy to daddy” on each present and put them at the Christmas tree. Kids are so excited to do it. We just had a wonderful Christmas. I can say that we have a great time every year at Christmas time. See, our kids are born in America. Christmas is their holiday. We parents should let them have a happy and a wonderful time no matter we are rich or poor.