Ladies and Gentlemen

来源: NoWorry 2004-12-03 07:24:46 [] [旧帖] [给我悄悄话] 本文已被阅读: 0 次 (638 bytes)
回答: 感谢懂得分享的朋友真心希望你们继续2004-12-02 15:53:13
Sharing different ideas is always good. It hepls not hurts. By far, I believe that REALBLUE has a very unique and good point. Most Chinese are modest, which is good sometimes, not all the time. See, I am not a modest person at all, and I don't want to be that kind of person. Because I know that I am pretty good. Why I have to be modest? For what? I might not find a job if I am as modest as some our fellow Chinese in America. Remember I say I am good enough, but not saying I am better than you. So you should not feel offended. I guss REALBLUE does not want to offend any one but diffeent sharing ideas. Have a nice day.