Market sense

This wave is the same as Auguest one, up without volume and seems no support all the time. However, it will keep moving up and cook the shorts slowly once again.
In this slow motion mode, the good way to go is holding the bullish long positions for a while, rather than switching horses all the time. Within 2 months, shorts will rush to cover, and longs can enjoy the harvest.
We can expect Nasdaq reachs 2260 easily.


As I posted yesterday, AMZN -uptrend- 给 uptrend 发送悄悄话 (55 bytes) () 12/28/2004 postreply 10:45:56

Wrong, time to close AMZN -MarketFutu- 给 MarketFutu 发送悄悄话 (106 bytes) () 12/28/2004 postreply 17:08:42
